Sitting Pretty? Don’t Bet On It

No one is safe from the growing police state.

I know someone who has managed to draw the ire of the rich and politically connected. He’s a lawyer who has defended folks no one else would touch. Often enough, those he defended were merely political targets themselves, not guilty of any real crime. So now that this lawyer found himself victim of a crime and himself rather vulnerable, the vultures have moved in and he’s in for a long stretch, longer than he’ll likely live. He knows the system as a criminal attorney, and this is what happened to him. I’m on his emailing list, so they know about me as a probable supporter.

No one is safe.

I live in fly-over country. It’s an urbanized county, but I’m out in the county itself; no city wants to touch us. We drink well water, and it took the county a long time to force our provider to use a tiny bit of chlorine. Fluoride won’t happen, nor will the new threat, lithium — recently proposed for public drinking water in some places. At least, not until some agency is ready to pay for the equipment, the chemicals, and someone to guard the injection site, because our neighborhood seems rather hostile to the idea. In other words, we are treated as remote hicks, ignored by most local governments.

But if they decided to come after us, there is nothing we could do. A few weeks ago the sheriff’s department did a sweep through here for simple traffic fines in arrears. They promised to come back when the bench warrants amounted to more than it costs to conduct the sweep.

We have big-time corruption here, too. Recently, some thugs broke into a very secure tool shop, but took none of the expensive equipment. They had to use sledge hammers to bend the steel door back enough to pry the door off the bolts run into the steel frame. It was a very noisy job. The shop doubled as the local Tea Party HQ, and the burglars stole all the records and computers used for the Tea Party activities. The local Tea Party had been rather successful in making noise in the State Legislature, derailing some really shifty stuff. I don’t support the Tea Party nor any other political organizations, but you get the idea.

We even have the singular advantage as one of the few places in North America which sees precious little of the airborne radiation from Fukushima. Instead, we have a share of almost every tornado-producing storm front crossing the Central Plains. Aside from the mess in Massachusetts today, just about every tornado you hear about somewhere else in the US probably hit here in Oklahoma somewhere during part of its passage. But we are used to that. What we aren’t used to is the heavy federal corruption which preceded and followed in the wake of the Murrah Building Bombing. We aren’t used to the likes of Terry Yeakey’s murder, a governor willing to lie and have the public record changed to conform to federal official propaganda, and the embedding of federal politicians in our state government to protect that official story. We aren’t used to federal officials buying off our most incorruptible state officials to hide a mistake worthy of the Keystone Kops (see Kenneth Trentedue).

There is no safe place. If they can twist things here, they can do it anywhere. The only advantage any of us has is there are too many of us, too many who aren’t easily targeted for trumped up charges without a lot of work for the relatively tiny number who will do anything at all the psychopaths demand. But once any of us enters the target zone, for whatever reason, it won’t matter if we are cleaner than Jesus Christ. We’ll be nailed to a cross, too, on even flimsier pretexts.

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