Random Observations on Current Events

Too many things which are too big to ignore, but none worthy of a full article, so I’m offering a list of my opinionated rantings.

They say the situation with that nuclear generator on the Missouri River in Nebraska is under control after an electrical fire. They said something like that about Fukushima, too. The batch of liars is most of the same people in both cases, people who knew for a fact what they said wasn’t true. Why should we believe them now? Besides, the river is not under control, as folks upstream in Council Bluffs, Iowa prepare to evacuate. In the Nebraska case, the spent fuel rods are contained at ground level. The official phrases include something like “flooded the containment building.” With what? Filthy river water? I’ll bet no official agency is willing to announce whether they have tested water flowing away from that building for radiation. Add that to the petroleum pollution in the Gulf of Mexico.

Greece is rioting. It is fully justified. Granted, Greece is half-lawless from top to bottom. The politicians are hopelessly corrupt, but so is the majority of the population. However, everyone wants to forget that the politicians are an order of magnitude more corrupt than is commonly tolerated among the people; it’s how they got their positions. They want to forget the people have long surrendered a very big chunk of their income to a government plan for social welfare. They have already paid into the system. What they seek is for the government to simply pay back out what was supposed to have been saved. But it was invested in high-risk mortgage securities, mostly from the US. The politicians and bankers were playing fast and loose with someone else’s money, hoping to scrape off the profit, not trying to build up the value of the holdings. Those mortgage securities turned out to be worthless. But the politicians and bankers refuse to take the hit; they want the people to take it, while they continue amassing more wealth for themselves. If the people take up arms and slaughter the politicians and bankers, it would be justified. Their peaceful restraint is noteworthy.

The same thing is happening here in the US, more or less. The bankers gambled on the same mortgage investments, even creating those investment packages, and lost. But it’s tax dollars which are bailing them out. That is, the politicians are borrowing against future tax receipts, mortgaging the future labor of citizens, to compensate the bankers for bad bets. Meanwhile, the same citizens are still on the hook for bad mortgages which were utterly fraudulent in the first place. The fiction that We, the People, are responsible for the banker’s debts simply because the government says so — they claim to work for us — is still the unspoken assumption behind all this, but they openly rejected our clearly stated wishes not to bail out the gambling bankers. We aren’t restrained; we’re stupid.

I’m not bullish on China, either. You aren’t likely to find an honest report of their economic condition in the MSM, but you may have seen reports of the extravagant building projects which now sit idle and empty. They have over-invested in really nice stuff no-one can afford to rent, and for which they have zero cultural background in maintaining. Fast rail system? The majority of likely riders can’t afford the tickets. What happens in five years without maintenance on the tracks? Their cultural habit so far is to tear it down and build new stuff in its place, because there is entirely too much liquidity in their lending pool, and no sane controls. Because there is no real profit being put back into that pool, it will be gone soon enough. Their advantage is they now have most of our factories, so they can recover. We have nothing but talk and aging cheap toys we bought from China.

That LulzSec pulled a DDoS on the CIA’s front website means nothing; it still looks and smells like a false flag. It did no real harm. No servers were cracked and no information copied. If they don’t release a bunch of data at least as damaging as the harmless stuff Wikileaks puts out, then it means nothing — clouds and thunder, but no lightening, and certainly no rain.

I’m still praying God Almighty will rip the cover off all the lies. Having committed myself to transparency, still willing to face all my own evil buried in lost memories, I have nothing to lose. Expose me, too, Lord! In the morals of the Spirit Realm, we who are willing to turn the Sword of Truth on ourselves are in a position to wield it on others. This is a prayer which is tied to Laws, and does not require spiritual birth to be valid. Yes, for some centuries Western Protestants have deceived themselves and others saying God does not hear prayers under the Laws. They lie. Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and all other pagans can pray and be heard by Jehovah when their prayers are consistent with the Laws, and in the measure their prayers are consistent with the Laws. If your conscience in clean, and you aren’t trying to avoid an honest self-examination, then ask for whatever He promised under the Law Covenants, and it will be done. Yes, sincerity counts for something with God. The idea He has no interest in justice on a human level, and that only those born-again can deal with Him, is blasphemy.

Obviously Western Christendom has a lot to answer for, and I’m praying her shame be exposed, too. The Harlot Church is everywhere. A religious organization holding title to any significant accumulation of material wealth doesn’t get it. Just how hard is it to understand, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth”? A wealth of stuff and a poverty of Spirit, stop claiming to speak for Heaven.

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One Response to Random Observations on Current Events

  1. Your observations/insights about China is absolutely spot on.

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