Estimating Current World Events (June 2011)

When you permit a thought process and evaluation system not restricted to the commonly accepted Western analytical assumptions, you would expect to get different answers.

This is not about having a high degree of intelligence in the sense of IQ. I readily admit I’m not up there in the higher rankings, and would not even qualify for the likes of Mensa. I lack the arrogance necessary to challenge openly folks who have different ideas on these things, whatever their reputed intellect. I take no particular credit for coming up with some new form of brilliance, since I have long believed I’m simply using the same faculties available to anyone else. In the broadest sense, I give credit to my Lord and Savior for anything of value here, and take full blame for any mistakes.

We can’t presume to ever really understand it all. There is no simple formula, no all-encompassing revelation of conspiracy, no single plan of world domination. You can’t blame just any one group. Even when I use terms like “Illuminati,” it’s just a label for an ill-defined conspiracy which we must assume morphs over time. Single individuals may be included this year, excluded the next for some reason, and then work their way back into good graces, or maybe even usurp someone else’s place. These are mere humans, with their own internal politics. Not everything works out the way any single one of them, or any faction, or the whole herd, would like every time.

One of the primary reasons we study history or any of the other social sciences is so we can estimate in some useful fashion how we got where we are today, so we can estimate some sensible course for future actions. I’ll save you some time; my advice for future action hasn’t changed since before I started blogging here at WordPress. Prepare for the worst, even though we can expect to survive much of what’s coming our way. Collect stuff you know how to use and which can make life tolerable should there be a general failure of civilization itself. Prepare yourself even more, since events can lead to such catastrophic changes you’ll have only what you carry in your soul as you flee some disaster, or series of disasters. Decide now nothing on this planet really matters, not even life itself, only living as close as you can to truth.

To add some shape to that, read on.

The lineage of the Illuminati is pretty easy to trace. Sometime around 300 BC, the Hebrew religion of Moses was eclipsed by Hellenism, AKA Aristotelian epistemology. While Judaism retains trappings and content from Moses, it’s underlying framework is entirely Western. With that Hellenism infection came an incredible measure of arrogance previously lacking. No, I’m not saying they had none before, but the kind and quality of that arrogance radically changed with the introduction of Aristotle. When the real Messiah showed up, they simply did not have the Hebraic grasp to accept Him. Instead, they clung to a vision of global domination, along with a frame of reference which made it possible. When Judaism was adopted by the Kazakhs in 900 AD, this religious aspiration gained a warlike drive and intelligence it previously lacked. The question of DNA and discussions of Ashkenazim versus Sephardim miss the point. Nor is it really about Judaism, but how that religion contributed to something bigger — Zionism. The Illuminati were born in Zionism, but have sense escaped it, so that we now have a singular core identity which is no longer precisely Jewish, nor even Zionist, per se. And while Israel began as a central element in plans of global domination, I am convinced that nation is now disposable to the current planning. I think we can safely dismiss the popular mythology blaming Jews and Israel, noting simply it does include some people who own such labels.

Whatever it is we imagine the Illuminati to be — essentially global bankers and financiers with an intent to enslave as much of the human race as possible — they are rooted in Western Civilization as it now exists as a whole. Their aspirations and plans arise from that, so it’s no surprise all their expectations depend upon it. I frankly believe they are infected with the Aristotelian intellectual assumptions, and suffer from the failures of it. In due time, their plans will fail, right about the time it appears they have succeeded. That’s because their plans require destroying much of what Western Civilization has become, and I believe they suffer the same fundamental arrogance of Aristotelian epistemology, which presumes to be somehow fundamental to how the universe itself works.

They pretty much own Western Civilization, which they do understand all too well. The assumptions are utterly materialistic, so material aspirations are the whole thing. Thus, the demand for credit, banking and fiat currency to buy more stuff. The Russians are somewhat entangled in this, but capable of living without it. Thus, the Illuminati do have some limited control in Russia, which fluctuates more than it does in the wider West. They have very little control in China, but some presence. So when Russia and China’s economies suffer the normal degree of human corruption at the top, this does not automatically grant the Illuminati any leverage. Corruption is a universal human trait, part of the Fall. When the current economic system grinds to a halt and collapses, the West will for a time be totally under Illuminati control. Russia may not be fully sucked under by it, and China almost surely will not. Hurt, for sure, but China will not collapse so completely. Russia does not have to collapse, but escaping will require some very wise leadership, and I just can’t estimate that. In general, the great big bad stuff on the horizon will fall most heavily on the US, then the other English-speaking lands, then Europe.

Asian countries will suffer to the degree they are controlled by the Western banking system. Smart countries will use it, but never surrender totally, keeping some framework of economic planning which does not depend on fiat currency and global credit. Africa is similarly mixed, but frankly it’s the poorest third world countries which will suffer least, since not much will change for them. South America is probably the most complicated to estimate, since their politics can be quite volatile, and wholesale changes come from the smallest things. Each country seems to be on a totally independent track, and I admit I don’t know enough to say much more. So, while I can predict Argentina will recover control over their Malvinas (Falklands), that’s pushing what I can estimate.

Naturally, I am going to assert the Illuminati plans are morally unjust. I could say that about almost every government or would-be government, because almost no one does it right. Because of this vast global immorality, my estimation of things includes the expectation of many disasters. Most of them natural disasters, to be sure, but I believe God also uses human folly to magnify many of them. Thus, God provides the earthquake, but mankind provides the nuclear pollution from criminally negligent design and construction. So we have Fukushima, and maybe a few other plants set to spill their pollutants, the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, and perhaps in the near future some pipeline ruptures from all the stuff buried over the New Madrid Fault. We have truly vast flooding in the Missouri and Mississippi Valleys, as well as in China, wildfires all over the US Southwest, droughts in Russia, etc. I can’t even keep track of it all.

If that’s not bad enough, we have plenty of people who should know better lying about disasters that won’t come, but using the lies to create an even greater economic disaster — the so-called Global Warming scam. Sorry, but I refuse to grant any sincerity to folks pushing that lie; it’s not just flawed science, but anti-science. Further, it’s blasphemous to imagine humanity can change something God said bluntly would always remain in His control.

For those with a little education in economics, we note for the US, the government is taking over more and more of whatever economic activity exists. Unlike genuine planned socialism or communism, where the government actually participates in productivity, our government produces virtually nothing; it only consumes and commands. So even if the government shuts down, it won’t change the economy all that much, aside from a loss of regulatory enforcement. In other words, things will actually improve somewhat. The same goes for state and local governments who become insolvent, as some surely will, and soon. Thus, while some business will collapse because they simply can’t exist without massive government contracts, most businesses now open stand a good chance of surviving if they remain flexible.

In my own life here in Central Oklahoma, a lot of things depend on the current drama in the US Congress. Most of it is pure theater. I fully expect Congress to raise the government debt limit. If not, that simply means the plans to crush the economy are upon us. The business about Libya may be an actual dispute, though I doubt it. Some of the central plans by folks I presume to be at least a faction of the Illuminati call for converting Libya away from their relative banking independence, as part of the PNAC nonsense. Lots of references on alternative news sites will discuss the seven or so nations for which PNAC called for “regime change” all because of oil and banking. I’m not sure the current military operations are necessarily the only way to accomplish those goals, but I’m guessing the alternatives are much harder to pull off. So there will be lots of political pressure from the elites to counter the popular clamor to get out of Libya. I’m guessing lots of stuff isn’t working out quite as planned by the elites, and we see evidence of scrambling. There are multiple possible futures tracking out before us.

However, I still expect we’ll be expending big bunches of Department of Defense dollars in Lebanon, Syria, and eventually Iran. I expect a huge increase in crime and chaos in bigger cities and states. Indeed, economic crime is already on the rise across the board, but it’s always going to be worse where high populations must import everything necessary for life. Infrastructure will crumble even faster — roads, bridges, trains, electricity, water, natural gas — and whole cities will find themselves cut off. Sane people are already making an exodus from such places. Rural ghost towns will come back to life as people scatter to survive.

The average human life expectancy will plummet in the West, as it degrades into Third World status. What I cannot estimate is the time line. Welcome to the future!

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