Yet Another Opinionated Rant

In which I pontificate impotently about all manner of things I hardly understand…

The coup d’etat was when the globalist bankers subverted all the governments of the Western world. The same coup is still at work in the rest of the world. Everything going on right now as a revolt against the global banking system is simply an attempt to drive out the foreign occupiers. But rioting is not the same as revolt. We’ll see lots of the former, but I doubt the latter will happen.

Greece won’t revolt, not really. As I watch the protests, I don’t see sufficient strength of character to gather the power of the people and remove the leadership who sold them out. Given the high degree of corruption burned into the very culture of the nation, it really won’t matter who’s in charge. Right now, about the most interesting thing possible is for the unions to combine and take over the government, but that will only change who shows up for the protests, if that.

The Irish won’t revolt, either. All those truly willing to pull the trigger have been absorbed into the likes of the IRA, and they are run by a branch of the Illuminati, indirectly. Had they been truly serious about taking back Northern Ireland, they could have done it long ago. The IRA leadership betrayed them repeatedly, and will again. The whole idea was to keep things stirred up so the Irish could never recover their independence again. They have the cultural roots for effective independence, but their will has been sapped over too many generations.

Do you really think the British government could squash a genuine Irish revolt? Not for quite some time. It’s not about military power, not any more. The single greatest vulnerability of the British has always been the compliance of the population. There is no nation in the West more utterly servile and domesticated than the British. They lead the world in police state outrages. They’ll tolerate the most egregious blatant oppression, and when they get whipped on the field of battle, they surrender all proper and orderly. The Irish haven’t half tried to terrorize them, because it would have worked. A very large contingent of the Illuminati live in Greater London, so they protect themselves by ensuring their people are in charge of everything, including Britain’s enemies. Britain is so absurdly vulnerable, it simply demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of the Illuminati subversion. So far.

Iceland revolted successfully because their system remains fairly honest and uncorrupted. It didn’t require lots of bloodshed. There are moves now to disentangle more completely from the global banking system. They’ll suffer more for this than if they had agreed to bail out the bankers, but I sense it will pay off in the long run. I sincerely hope they stick to their guns.

The US won’t revolt, either. The people with the real money and power here are all Neo-Conservatives, servants of Zionism. They cynically manipulate a vast horde of evangelicals and related American Zionists, up through some truly powerful servants like Hagee, the Bushes, etc., and that class of elites. However, those who write the opinion pieces for the major outlets don’t care a whit about the future of the American people. It’s all a cynical ploy, using calls for American greatness, while recklessly blowing through vast piles of deficit spending, just to benefit Zionist policies. The liberals have a similar pro-Zionist leadership, though they focus more on keeping the liberal crowd fractured, stirred up over side issues. Every organization popping up to challenge the system will be hijacked, marginalized and scandalized, or simply destroyed. The real coup was to ensure America does only one thing, and that’s serve Israeli foreign policy. Once we are all used up, we’ll be tossed aside like an old whore.

There is a vast network of human and electronic intelligence carefully searching for any organizing of dissent. Once organized, it becomes a target for action by TPTB. If you manage to organize in your community to resist, say Agenda 21, look for thugs to vandalize, break in, threaten, even murder your leadership. Most of the big police-state dramas, the unconscionable violent action by authorities, are really about this very kind of thing. It’s not being honestly reported, not even by the alternative news writers. Nobody wants to give us the rest of the story. It’s really easy to shut down an honest and strong leader by destroying someone close to him who is more vulnerable. If they were psychopathic enough to not care, they would be in the current government or more mundane crime.

Leaderless Resistance is a great idea, but also “pie in the sky.” That is, it requires at least one full generation of careful strong education. It requires a level of commitment foreign to our culture. So the answer is creating a new culture. There is no shortcut, and we don’t have time to do much for our current problems. In other words, an effective armed revolt, an honest to goodness revolution, isn’t possible.

Again, it’s not because the Illuminati are demigods, or super-intelligent aliens, or anything like that. But if I can figure some of this stuff out, as can others from whom I get some of this, I’m pretty sure there are some evil geniuses who could work it all out before I was born. What began as simply making the most of a local situation by psychopaths becomes an opportunity to network with others in their locales so everyone gets better protection and more loot. It spreads like cancer. Yes, eventually the host will die. Eventually TPTB will run out of room to operate. The Illuminati will miscalculate because they clearly don’t understand everything.

This is where my rant gets most thoroughly opinionated, because everything I’ve seen shows the Illuminati — whomever they may be — are utterly Western, Aristotelian. They don’t reckon on the limitations of such an epistemology. They seem to ignore the vast thousands of years of human history which came before the last couple of millennia. In those uncountable millennia before that, a much broader view of things prevailed. That broader view is currently hemmed in by a feverish growth in technology, but not gone away. Once we finish destroying the Northern Hemisphere with the likes of nuclear volcanoes spewing radiation poisoning into the jet streams, those who hold that non-Western view will again dominate what’s left of the earth. Aside from the awful radioactive mess we leave behind, I doubt we’ll be long remembered, and the Illuminati will go down with us.

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One Response to Yet Another Opinionated Rant

  1. None of us are impotent in these things Ed. Just your awareness of these things is in itself taking action to a degree. Keep on trying to fathom the unfathomable mate. There are others out here that are watching them too- you’re not alone, or unheard.

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