Weekend Outlook for Early July

Too many little items I just can’t resist.

This is a long weekend in the US, as we prepare to celebrate Independence Day on Monday. As if we had anything to celebrate. Fireworks don’t amuse me much, unless they are the human kind.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) has served his time in the corner, and can now remove the dunce cap. His accuser has proven a liar with a criminal background, and may be currently engaged in one or more ongoing criminal enterprises. So he lost his seat at the head of IMF, and his replacement is now sitting. Meanwhile, there’s talk of him running for political office in France. The real story? He’s still a scumbag. Once again, we see the Shadow Government employs the most hideous moral wretches. It matches their own insatiable appetite for most perverse sexual activities you can imagine, and some you cannot. It’s part of a pattern, like the Dutroux Affair and the Franklin Scandal.

It’s like walking a tightrope trying to dodge the fake alternative press propaganda and MSM. I was surprised when some very earnest sounding folks tried to defend the likes of Alex Jones when it was mentioned he was pro-Israel. How did that become news? He asserted that himself way back at the beginning of his career, and has reaffirmed it repeatedly. For him, 9/11 was everybody, anybody but never Mossad. And people defending Icke with his tales of Illuminati shape shifters? These days, anybody with a sponsor is almost certainly lying about one thing or another. Have we forgotten how all the really rich people and organizations got that way? The bankers control all the money except for a few piles of precious metals, so if you have very much, they allowed it for their reasons; don’t imagine they aren’t watching and controlling it.

But plenty of those with no apparent liabilities are thinking and saying we are due for a big and ugly false flag, maybe even over this long weekend. It will surely be used to cover up all sorts of mischief. Take a glance at the hundreds of conspiracies arising from independent investigations of 9/11. This guy made billions on insurance, all these folks skipped work that day, Muslims were tagged, as was a couple of countries absolutely not involved, some vast hordes of gold disappeared, all the bean counters at the Pentagon were killed and their investigative files destroyed, lots of fancy new technologies were tested… I can’t keep track of all the crazy stuff crammed into this one event, and just about all of them seem plausible. What I’m saying is almost all the various theories a likely true at the same time, that all the greedy hogs lined up at the trough and everyone got their bellies filled. Trillions of dollars were moved in very many ways all from one event, and we are still seeing money leaking out from it. I can’t wait to see how creative they get with the next one, and who’s turn it will be to profit.

I ran into another tranche (gotta love that word) of whimpering and panicking by evangelical Christians over something which has bothered me for quite some time. Back when I first ran across some Neo-Pentecostals (AKA Charismatics), they were going on about how Satan and his demons could get a doorway through our words, or through our exposure to something particularly odious. Granted, if you expose yourself to certain types of sin, it will whet your appetite for more of the same, until you discover yourself drowning in some unspeakable perversion. For example, mild porn leads to nasty porn leads to violent porn leads to gay porn leads to … you get the picture. Keep digging into it and you’ll need a higher shock value to get the same thrill. Standard addiction which requires ever increasing dosages. But that’s not the same as having to watch over your words, as if Satan can use your figures of speech to create curses. I was told not to call my niece a “cute little doll” because that curses her — “She’s not just a doll, not just a toy!” Of all the Aristotelian nonsense; the majority of the Bible is figures of speech and symbolism. Sheesh, “word curses!”

But the biggest stupidity is fearing some genuine academic review of something outside our beliefs. It’s as if I have to get from God a special dispensation to go learn about Hinduism, or read a little bit about Aleister Crowley. They forget two of the greatest heroes of Scripture knew more than is even available about pagan black magic today: Joseph and Daniel. Joseph could probably name the entire pantheon of Nile gods, and as Pharaoh’s vizier, most certainly had to carry out ceremonies addressing these deities. He probably knew exactly how the magicians later turned their rods into snakes when Moses came around a few generations later. Daniel learned quite a bit about the ancient Sumerian and Akkadian pagan practices, not least of which included Astrology.

No, there’s no life in those things. Will Satan somehow be granted some great power over me because I dared to look into them? Will he be permitted to suck me in and destroy my faith? I think evangelicals give him entirely too much credit. No doubt my power is insignificant against Satan, but I was sealed against his authority by the Blood of Jesus. If my God can’t protect me at that level, what’s the point in serving Him? I won’t waste space chasing the heresy of synergism here, look it up, but Paul bluntly said that was wrong. He kept using this term “election” and said what it meant. Part of it means I’m not going to get stupid enough to fling a challenge in God’s face. If I can get that stupid, I’m not elect. No, I’m not in the same league as Joseph and Daniel, but I follow Someone who made both of them look silly.

I fear the Lord, not a fallen angel forced even in his rebellion to serve the Divine Purpose.

The weekend outlook here in Central Oklahoma is continued high pressure dome, which means continued hot and dry. Our weather folks make a big deal out of 100° F (38C) but anything over 90° (32C) is uncomfortable here. My poor tomatoes keep bursting from the heat just as soon as they get ripe; the ants get them before I do. Here’s hoping the cantaloupe fair better; there are two already showing the brown scale on their skin. I think my garden matters more than the likes of DSK.

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