Help Wanted: More Prophets

If it were up to me, I’d open a Prophets’ Academy.

Let’s get this out of the way first: I don’t care if what I post here every day is absolutely bonkers. This is the best I know and my spirit as at peace with Almighty God. That’s more important to me than any measure of success on a human level. Nothing I say is intended to represent coercion in any way. The objective is simply to get you asking God on a level of sincerity and honesty He’ll honor. There is nothing which presupposes you’ll come up with the same answers. If you start writing stuff which is too different from what I promote, all that means is I don’t have to work with you, and you don’t have to work with me. You certainly don’t have to take me seriously.

I don’t like working alone. It gets old. I deeply miss those days in my youth when other kids were willing to adopt enough of a like mind we could have fun together and be best pals. It brings a sense of peace and rest against a crazy world. Who’s to say it wasn’t insular and unrealistic; that wasn’t the point. Reality itself is pretty shaky and hard to pin down, so anything which brings a certain sanity and peace by at least finding you aren’t totally alone is a good thing in itself.

Externally I was pretty darn conventional most of the time. Internally, I always knew something wasn’t right, that some inner voice called me to another world. All the orthodox and not-so-orthodox teaching about reality coming at me always failed in some aspects. It’s not that I thought I was smarter than the rest of the field, but simply that I was wrong for going along with everything or anything offered. So I held in myself some eternal tension between what I could find to use and the sure knowledge something better had to be out there somewhere.

Even my sense of search was twisted and perverted by the mental framework provided by my world. Once I understood that, there was no turning back. It’s not a question of finding all the right answers, but of asking the right questions. My sense of assurance and peace with whatever passes for reality has never been so solid.

If I did have a Prophets’ Academy, this is what I would teach. I’d offer the path I took, but offer it as an example of how not to be forced onto the wrong path. I don’t want you to echo what I say, parrot what I write. I want you to address your world from the same sense of assurance and mission. I would love to see more people hammering at the false reality thrown up around us today. The mission is not to knock it all down, but only to hammer at it. People who learn about the hammer will then knock down their own walls of falsehood. It’s about the hammer, the individual path of peace and sanity available only by getting rid of the lies.

Naturally I’m going to have the strongest affinity for those whose words present a general train of thought which sounds familiar to me. That’s what we need from each other, a sense of safe familiarity. If I understand it, I know how and how much I can trust it. It becomes a point of reference, right or wrong, which saves me time. I don’t have to all the way back to zero and recalibrate when things get a little shaky. The more we agree on after having done that enough times, the less time is wasted getting on with the mission. Right now, it’s pretty lonely.

If you have the burning itch, the sense things aren’t quite right, and you need another system to get you through this mad universe, feel free to steal my stuff and learn what I have to teach. The only thing I hope to gain is to shed this sense of loneliness. You can keep your money, your personal habits, your sense of who you are, whatever it is you bring with you. All I ask is you make room for one more friend. But the friendship is all about the purpose, the shared calling and task. Don’t get involved if you can still walk away from it. You have to be a helpless captive to something you can’t ignore.

This is just one store front in the massive cosmic franchise, and the possibilities are endless. Help wanted: more prophets.

(This also serves as notice I’m writing a training manual for prophets.)

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