Prophet’s Path: Final Draft

If you are inclined to comment or just help me edit for typos and such, now is the time to get involved. Here are the links to what I regard the final draft. I am particularly interested in answering questions the material raises so I can reach for some essential clarity. I’m including all the chapters by links below because some have been rewritten.

Introduction — initial considerations
Lesson One — the necessity of mysticism
Lesson Two — basic justice
Lesson Three — just government
Lesson Four — final matters

(Edit: site closed as of 2020)

A note for those who are interested in participating in a virtual Prophet’s Academy: This blog serves as a means to publicity and so forth, but my actual ministry operations are on another blog (site long gone). Anyone who wants to actually work with me in studying the prophetic ministry itself will need to visit there on a regular basis. I sincerely hope this thing gets bigger than just me a couple of associates. I have no interest in running a big show, just getting one started.

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