Diaspora Is Working

Thanks to my good friend, Mark, we now know Diaspora is working. I’ve got my account set up, and I’m using the nym: br073n — a blatantly religious nick based on a geek spelling for “broken”. It’s still a work in progress, and I’ve found Opera doesn’t work at all well on the site. Still, come and join us!

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2 Responses to Diaspora Is Working

  1. Benjamin says:

    I’m under the impression that this is still not available to the general public and is in some sort of alpha or beta testing. Is that true? Do you have any insight into when it might be more widely available?

    • Ed Hurst says:

      I received an invitation through a friend who is closer to the project than I. It’s not yet open to the public, in that sense, but I wanted to share that it was usable already. If you apply for an invitation, they should be going out already.

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