Genuine Protest

I contend the OWS does have a sliver of truth.
If we accept the broad general meaning of the protests, and keep in mind the original call which went out a few months ago, we realize this general anger at the wealthy is partially justified. That is, the mess we are in is the result of policy choices which were proposed and lobbied by a collection of major trans-national corporations. These wealthy corporate types most assuredly do push policy objectives which line their pockets and destroy life for the rest of us. It’s a fact.
Let’s pick out just a few of these Shadow Government folks. You are aware our warfare, now in some eight countries in Africa and the Middle East, is a direct result of the original policy paper from the Brookings Institute, Which Path to Persia? You can learn more about that here. Lots of links and images to help you grasp the picture. But I’ll summarize.
If you read that whole ghastly Brookings paper, you’ll realize it details a list of countries they want us to invade, and subtly explains the reasons. You’ll realize our foreign policy reflects exactly what Brookings wants us to do. In a very real sense, the Brookings Institute is our real government, at least on that particular range of issues. Take a look at some of the graphics, particularly the one showing some of their corporate sponsors. You’ll note some of those are in turn fronts for even more corporate donors.
Indirectly, those corporate sponsors are running our foreign policy. All the more so when officers from those corporations serve on the Board of Directors at Brookings. It’s not like some blindly selected, good feeling charitable giving. These CEOs and such really do want us sending troops and equipment to break things and kill people in those countries. Further, there is no hesitation in arming and funding the very people our government claims are terrorists. It is these terrorists they are watching for, officially, while putting us through the ringer here at home.
A very significant part of your misery comes from the likes of Coca Cola, and it’s not by accident. I doubt it’s possible to boycott everyone who is involved in our Shadow Government. You’d have to stop living, because that degree of separation wasn’t even available to Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, in his remote cabin. Between them these corporations own most of what you touch on any given day, and most of what touches you. But obviously the executives at Coke do not love you, and have zero interest in your welfare.
I’m not a big fan of Tony Cartalucci and his Land Destroyer blog; I simply read it for the facts. He promotes a form of political activism which will not work, because it presumes the system can be reformed. It seems odd to me he is so very aware of how thoroughly the Shadow Government owns the system from top to bottom, yet expects it to yield to an outcry from voters. Fat chance of that; we are the only real enemy they have.
You’ll have to come up with something better than that, if you want to have any impact at all. By now most of my regular readers know I honestly believe praying and calling for repentance is the only answer, and that it requires the power of God to fix these things. The only demonstrations and sign waving I might consider is calling folks to repent because America is under God’s wrath. At this point, I am utterly certain we are doomed, politically and socially, to a period of hard tribulation. Still, you really need to approach this from your own point of view. But the facts of the Shadow Government are not in dispute.

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