The Bernays Effect

There are probably other names for it, but the Bernays Effect is simply convincing everything they can’t do what they’ve been doing for centuries, and should have to pay money for something which supplies an inferior result.

In the last few decades, thousands of babies in Third World countries have died from contaminated baby formula. Wait, did I say amusing? I typed the wrong word there. Anyway, what happens is the mothers mix the baby formula with contaminated water, because sanitation is poor. So why the hell do the mothers feed their infants poison formula when they can just produce milk, for free, from their own bodies? The answer is that they do it because the manufacturer of the formula, Nestle, ran lots of ads telling them to.

There are a zillions ways we’ve been robbed, and our lives have been turned upside down. Thanks to guys like Edward Bernays we think of breakfast as “bacon and eggs” instead of all the stuff our forefathers used to eat in the morning. Granted, we’ve drifted away from it a bit, but that’s only because of another horrendous lie called “The Food Pyramid.”
This is why I despair of any good from things like OWS or any other protest, rebellion, etc. So now we have had our blood in the streets in several of the cities where OWS is happening, and it’s just got going good. Meanwhile, the same crazy lies put us in the position to see the whole financial world crash because someone dared to suggest the Greek citizens stuck with the bill should have a say in paying it. Greece got into this mess through a thousand lies for which OWS is only partially attacking.
I’m ready to come home, Lord.

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