Defending the Indefensible

I reiterate: Not only can we not stop this train wreck, but we sin if we try.
I’m not choking with rage because I don’t have any vested interests. There is the usual debate over just what the NDAA 2012 means. There are some who believe it’s not quite as drastic as the alarmists claim. Nor would I dishonestly paint them as defenders and apologists of this evil government over the US. That there is a debate hardly surprises me.
Those who wrote this bill intended it would be ambiguous. If there are folks out there who do not by now understand the bulk of Congress is utterly corrupt and evil, there is nothing I can do to enlighten them. We can no longer afford to write this off as simply being misguided, when so many of them openly profess a hatred for a certain group of people, whom they then define in such a way it describes most ordinary American citizens. They take themselves too seriously, and are furious that anyone would complain at their decisions for us. Granted, they are about as theatrical as any other group of public liars, but if you haven’t seen the visceral anger in their statements about things, you just can’t grasp what’s going on up there.
I was around and conscious when the PATRIOT Act was passed, and I recall a similar debate then. The defenders insisted the FBI needed the power to go after terrorists, and it would not be used any other way. Guess what? It has been used almost entirely against everything except terrorism. The PATRIOT Act has been used against some of the most petty “crimes” and if you could be around to hear the petty hatred and contempt expressed by those who abused this power, you would understand. It is not a lie to say the federal government of the US, broadly speaking, considers her citizens the enemy.
The wording of the NDAA is confusing enough to cause a vigorous debate, with competent lawyers arguing both sides. Let’s get one thing straight: If the President and his minions decide they want to execute any US citizen without trial, they’ll find a way to justify it. They’ve already done that. How hard is it to imagine they would do something less shocking? Arrest without a warrant, indefinite detention in secrecy and torture of American citizens? They’ve been doing that already. You could know about that if you were interested.
To imagine the ambiguities of the NDAA is not intentional is intellectual dishonesty. To imagine it won’t be used as the alarmists suggest shows you don’t deserve to be taken seriously. Have your say, by all means, while you still can. That freedom, particularly here on the Internet, is also now officially placed under presidential whim by the NDAA. But take you seriously? Your name is mud.
The rest of us can see the handwriting on the wall, and we don’t need Daniel the Prophet to translate for us. The US is now under martial law. The only limiting factor is having sufficient troops to conduct mass arrests. There aren’t even enough to grab those who honestly and seriously intend to resist, who are armed and ready to spill blood. As a matter of tactics alone, I suspect the Internet itself will be hit first, so that folks like you and I will not have access to the kind of honest reporting we often get from alternative sources on the Internet. The MSM Lapdog Press has shown themselves reliable in silence about such things, so when the mass arrests come, the surprise factor would be gone if the regular sources aren’t shut down.
This business of fighting terror has become the latest excuse for the same old tyranny which has been around for at least a century. I can remember when the favorite enemy was communism. God still pukes at the horrors inflicted in the name of stopping communism.
I find it hard to take seriously anyone who at this point want to quibble about the meaning of detention until hostilities are declared ended. The NDAA does say this military detention targets those who support al-Qaeda and the Taliban, and does say such supporters can only be detained until the end to hostilities is declared. Yes, the President could declare them ended any day now. How likely is that? The Taliban exist only because we funded them in the 1970s when the USSR was in Afghanistan. We didn’t call them Taliban then, but it’s the same people doing the same thing against our people. We made their organization possible. And as for al-Qaeda? I can’t take seriously anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that is wholly created and sustained right now by the CIA and allied security agencies. Osama bin Laden was a CIA agent to the end, a hired bogey man waved at us for years to justify all this police state crap. If you think al-Qaeda is real, as described by official government pronouncements, you don’t deserve to be taken seriously. You’re too stupid to talk.
Such people are part of the controlled opposition. You’ll be fine when the arrests begin. They may eventually come for you later, but at first you’ll be safe. Meanwhile, God is not fooled and not amused. The US government is under God’s wrath right now, and any support you offer offends all of Heaven. It won’t matter if you think there are bright spots of honor with men like Ron Paul; the system itself is damned. Cling to it at your peril.
I don’t claim any particular authority. All I’m doing is putting in words the irresistible move of God in my soul. If I am mistaken about what some of that movement means, there is still the requirement you, too, hear His voice for yourself. Don’t get the same answers? You are wrong only if you aren’t asking. But I don’t have to put up with what sounds to me like lies, and I don’t have to take you seriously, and I don’t have to be nice to you when I write about the things which matter to me.
God is Truth, and He makes His own path in the minds of men.
Addenda: One of the prime sponsors of the NDAA as written is Lindsey Graham. He agrees with the alarmists on what it means:

In support of this harmful bill, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained that the bill will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield” and people can be imprisoned without charge or trial “American citizen or not.”

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