We aren’t cynical enough and we don’t trust enough.
Warning: This is a blatantly Christian post. You can substitute your own religious verbiage, but I believe you’ll find the principles universal. Our human logic is typically insufficiently cynical. A the same time, our spiritual logic often fails to trust sufficiently the forces and things which make life worth living.
Someone in meat space asked me if I was going to invest some time in creating a network in case I need to flee the injustice of our government. The first answer is logical cynicism. That is, while I surely believe I am a likely target for some sort of harassment, I doubt there is sufficient competence in the system to be a real threat on the level of facing a SWAT Team or something so overwhelming as that. I doubt I’m worth that much trouble, so I’ll be relegated to the handling of the overworked idiots such a system always attracts.
No, I am actually hardly any threat at all. I don’t use encryption; I hide nothing. Everything I honestly think is out in the open. Cloning my harddrives would hardly reveal anything not already posted publicly on the Net, aside from useless private mutterings which would surprise no one, but bore most. However, the system is diabolical and cares nothing for the truth of things. The system is the god of those who serve it, but it’s the poorest and most incompetent god you can imagine. Challenge it directly and you’ll face the best it has to offer, but that tends to be a precious commodity. So your challenge will have to carry a genuine threat to the god’s convenience. So in my complete honesty, I’m not even bothering with so-called smart tactics. Having served on both sides of this question, I know what to expect, and the Truth which grips me is not likely to cause the system much trouble.
I could miscalculate, but I’m using the best information I have. So far, those calculations have proven rather accurate most of the time. The failure points are when I forget how utterly stupid the system can be in failing to address very real threats. For every Bradley Manning they catch, there’s a dozen very competent leakers taking their time and not getting caught, plus a half-dozen official leakers letting fake information out as bait. It’s all very complex.
There is a basic principle among those who research information security, and it applies for those who research the likes of underground patriot forums. Every effort to milk the system by its weaknesses will always have at least one infiltrator. If you can find the refuge, so can the bad guys. Those moles can take any number of disguises. Perhaps you are aware, for example, most of the Klan and White Power groups are actually led by moles. That is, were it not for FBI agents pretending to be KKK, there might not be any Klan groups organized at all.
Real racists aren’t that stupid. That’s in part because there really is no such thing as a racist, if you use the common definition. Prejudice and racism overlap, but they are not the same thing. A genuine white racist gets along fine in most mixed race settings; they know the difference between fantasy and reality. The real Klan is almost in alliance with the Nation of Islam, because their goals are actually harmonious to some degree. In other words, the real thing is always far more complicated than you would expect. The decision to trust someone who appears to be a fellow-traveler, in whatever you pursue which is officially frowned upon, is always risky.
Should it be necessary for me to flee, it won’t help to have confederates stashed here and there across the map. The needs of the moment are entirely too variable. The thing which grips me so tightly I’ll dare offend the tyrants is the very same thing which says there is a God in Heaven watching over me, and the entire range of prerogatives are in His hands. I’ll make plans based on the evolving situation, but the evolution includes a huge reliance on that mystical union which resides far above my human logic, and serves to drive the sort of behavior which gets me in trouble in the first place. Having come to this place by faith, I’m not going to keep it running by my wits alone. My faith warns me my best plans won’t do much good. Should my Master need me inside the detention system, I’ll be there despite my best efforts. Should He need me out of it, I’ll be moved to take just enough evasive action to remain free.
If you are driven by some other kind of religious devotion, at least be self-honest enough to face what comes with the package. Right now, that means I keep mouthing off as before. I keep my eye upon a consistent application of the same fundamental moral apprehensions and apply them to whatever new idiocy and evil arises. The same God who promotes this brazen prophecy from me is the same God who stood with Daniel in the lions’ den. If I’m wrong, I’ll never know the difference until some time and place when it no longer matters. I’ve already made it obvious I really don’t much care to remain here on earth any longer than is convenient for the God I serve, so my demise is a goal of sorts. That is, I’m looking forward to it, but I’ll endure until the time is right. It’s worth that much to me.
And it still surprises me every day what sort of half-assed stuff works great, and what grand efforts fail.
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