Archive Update

(Please note: This ancient post refers to a static website that no longer exists.)
For those keeping track of my static website, I’ve updated my Christian Mysticism HOWTO, both the webpage and the PDF version. In essence, I added one paragraph to the first section:

Part of the difficulty is so many mystics insisting on altered states of consciousness, trances, and the like. That does happen in Scripture, but those who serve God do so only at His hand, not on their own volition. It’s the same as grace: on God’s initiative alone. Any other thing which claims to reach that place without God’s initiative has entered the Dark Side, as it were. This is the whole point behind the narrative of the Fall, warning people their human talents, abilities and intelligence is not capable of managing the Divine. Biblical mysticism is unique. We will surely debate what Scripture actually says to us, but no valid mystical experience will contradict the Bible.

I recognize most of the mystics I encounter do not share my particular path. That’s fine, but I want them to be aware of that path so they can decide whether reading my stuff is worth their time. I assert there is only one unique Son of God, and while He can and will pass on to us His Spirit, not one of us can duplicate His spiritual accomplishments independently. Without Christ, you cannot enter the presence of the Ultimate Truth. It simply won’t matter what you believe or have experienced, without Christ, you were playing with the Devil. I remain committed to accountability to Scripture, which is where that sharp line is drawn.
None of this is meant to castigate anyone else, to shut you down and make you feel bad. I’m simply and honestly revealing my biases, those things I will not debate. No one has to agree, not even in your comments to my posts.
The one sure way to have your comments deleted is spammy links, something totally pointless and/or off topic (which includes the broader topics of this entire blog), or something which is needlessly hostile or obscene. Hostility itself is not a problem, nor is meaningful obscenity, but if I can’t use your post, it’s gone.

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2 Responses to Archive Update

  1. Good one. Wish I could be this direct and decorous at the same time.
    I must admit I haven’t commented much on your posts, but that’s mainly because 99% of what you say already says what’s on my mind – even though you probably could infer from my own blog that I’m not even a little bit religious.
    I just like to put it in for the record that I really enjoy your posts, that I find them making a lot of good sense, and that you allow your readers (at least in my own case) to discount the religious part of your thoughts while keeping the rest. I think that’s brilliant and so uncommon in our world today.

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