I rather like how George Washington’s Blog covers the issue. It’s a long read, and only worth it if you need a good background overview.
It’s like this. GW’s Blog skips over the Zionist roots of the Dispensational Heresy. While it was born in the Renaissance Catholic Church as a means to shooting down the notion the Pope was Antichrist, it was picked by a Protestant religious shyster in the UK. Once it had developed a bit of coherence, it came to the notice of a Rothschild agent, Untermeyer. He persuaded and funded another corrupt religious thug named Scofield to sneak all this garbage into the marginal notes of his Scofield Study Bible. Scofield passed all this garbage on to a crew who rose to prominence in religious politics among Baptists and such. From this we get Criswell and his friends, deceived but well meaning, decent fellows.
Where GW’s Blog picks up the thread is with the birth of the Neocons and Strauss. Lots of links, more than you’ll want to chase unless you are writing your own research paper. Strauss had studied the methods of Machiavelli and the Nazis, enamored with their level of control and orderly society. He taught rulers should be agnostic/atheist, but that they should appear religious so as to manipulate the strongest influence possible over the peasantry. Echoes of Constantine, no? So to have the Neocons promoting Christian Zionism — AKA Dispensationalism — guarantees the people will always have an enemy. Does anybody have to explain how Israel is working with this plan?
The one-third of evangelical Protestants who embrace this happen to be the very most politically active and wealthy ones. They happen to lead the way in scandals and corruption, too. Somewhere in the midst of all this garbage is an undercurrent of playing fast and loose with the facts, cynically willing to manipulate anyone for a presumed “good cause.”
Near the end, GW’s Blog fails to mention the other critical element in this story. While noting some of the so-called Islamic terrorists are really very poor specimens of Muslim religion, the author fails to tell how the majority of those who really are hard core Islamic fundamentalists are patsies of the Mossad, CIA, etc. Some of them know the score, the Muslim equivalent of a Neocon manipulator. This would be the Muslim Brotherhood and whatever is actually behind the mythical organization of al-Qaeda, for example. Some of them are true believers who have been carefully steered into radicalism, hardened into it, rather like the Mujahedin-Taliban.
Notice the only reason the Taliban are facing our troops is because they wouldn’t deal on the oil pipeline, though there were other crass commercial concerns, such as the bankers’ love for any and every war. Now that our troops have been there ten years, other factors have gotten involved to keep them there, and a similar drift in purpose will pull them out. Meanwhile, every other place we send spies, provocateurs, arms and funds, equipment and troops are quickly turning into more or less fundamentalist Islamic countries. This is on purpose, of course, but the Dispensational activists refuse to see it. Whoever is steering all this madness really does want a rise in radical Islamic governments.
I won’t complicate the explanation here by pointing out the differences between the major sects within Islam, but suffice to say the Illuminati are playing all sides against each other.
I am forced to estimate this will eventually put more pressure on Israel, creating real enemies compared to the half-hearted, underfunded, ill-equipped, disunited and poorly led troops Israel has faced in the past. I’ve already offered my estimate Israel is not really the game, but it’s what can be accomplished with something so utterly impossible to maintain. If the Islamic fundies do succeed in mounting a fresh war, by whatever definition, it is likely to overwhelm Israel, who then launch their nukes, or something equally drastic and senseless.
I remain convinced TPTB aren’t really concerned how it turns out. My perception is the plans of the Rothschilds have drifted over the generations. The more people killed, the more money borrowed and the more property destroyed, all counts to the good for them. It’s hard to imagine they don’t have plans for dealing with most of what could possibly be left when it’s all over. They are prepared to wait out the whole thing in their massive secret bunkers scattered around the world, so far as I can guess. I’m still trying to understand why they don’t seem bothered by the nuclear contamination of the oceans and large stretches of land, and so far the only thing I can surmise is those bunkers are part of the game. Or maybe they’ll evacuate into space or something; who knows? Then again, I’ve always said I believe God is in control, and I don’t believe He’s yet revealed much of what His plans are.
At any rate, there’s not a darn thing we can do about it. Grab your popcorn, nachos and beer and watch the show, because giving away the plot was necessary for the show to make sense. Sure, you might survive, but then you might regret it.
Even if this is in some sense The End of All Things, it would hardly go down according to the Dispensationalist mythology.
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