Women can wish all they want, and demand as much as they care, but they cannot change human nature.
Men are hardwired to check out your appearance and rate your sex appeal. Whether speaking to your or not, this is what’s going on in the background. If not, it’s probably because he’s almost dead. Plenty of men deny it, but that lie is simply the result of social conditioning. Women are doing the same thing, but on a different wavelength. Most people are able to keep that sort of thing to themselves as part of the internal noise we all have. The point is, you had better get used to it at the very least. If you are the least bit intelligent, you’ll take advantage of it in some way.
Men are hardwired to look. If you expose it, their eyes will travel there. Nobody should have to explain that. Even if they would never dream of touching you, are totally intimidated and crawling at your feet behind you, or if they hold you in utter contempt, their eyes will go where the goods are on display. Cover up if it bothers you, because even that sophisticated “to-die-for” rock star is doing all this in the back of his mind.
If you cut your hair like Jamie Lee Curtis, you are broadcasting a message men should avoid you. If you think about it at all, you probably did it as a response to female chatter. If you really had any notion about sex appeal, short hair is an epic failure. Get used to it. Even if you have good therapeutic reasons for cutting it short, there is a high statistical probability any man who says he likes it lying or is queer. Hardwired into the male psyche: Women who are otherwise a 10 lose 2.5 points for short hair. Lesser women lose even more.
The reason so very many women struggle with romantic relations is this vast load of manure-grade mythology and fantasy reflected in the likes of Chick Flix. If you thought Sex and the City was a revelation men should watch to understand women, all it proves is how utterly self-deceived you are. Women are nothing like that, despite their overwhelming wish to be so. Some men who know better will pretend an interest in such things only so long as it offers a chance to score with you. Then they’ll dump you as soon as they get tired of you, which may be the next morning. Men who don’t know better will play the game and deliver themselves entirely in your hands and you will never quite understand why you despise them for it. But it’s because the honest part of you kept chained in the basement is bigger and stronger than you’ll ever imagine, ripping apart the very floor on which you stand.
A perfect gentleman he may be, but if he isn’t undressing you with some part of his mind, he has no testosterone. Even a flaky old man like me, with no significant libido, having only ever touched one woman my entire life — I still have that motor running somewhere in the basement. This is normal; adapt to reality. The only way to avoid this is to avoid males.
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