Some elements of human nature are hard-wired.
Every generation comes up with the most stunning arrogance about how it has somehow discovered something new, by which human nature itself can be rewritten at will. Then, all it takes is some brilliant theoretician to decide what to write. And each succeeding generation is amused by the ignorance of those who went before. Because I managed to stay alive long enough, I also get a chance to laugh at some of those who followed. It seems to me a certain amount of wisdom leaking down through from ancient times still stands. While everyone is running to and fro trying to dig up an excuse for their new approach, it seems to me they keep confirming with clinical precision what the ancients knew instinctively.
For example, male and females are wired differently. Oh, shock! That doesn’t fit into current fashion and cultural orthodoxy, but actual factual data points it out with alarming frequency. Put your boys in skirts and they still prefer toy trucks and guns. Up to almost age five of six, the differences are more of type. Beyond that and girls do some things very much better than boys, and vice versa. Boys are more active and physical, and are academically four years behind girls. That’s because “academics” is entirely shaped around female development, and is openly hostile to male development.
You should not imagine the people who actually get to design and run the education system are being sincere. They are smirking with evil grins at the way boys are typically “diagnosed” as maladjusted when the entire system hates everything they must to do in order to be normal. Their own sons are treated better in private academies, but they intend to castrate yours, one way or another. All it takes is some reading into their documented plans and you’ll see this is pure intentional hatred and evil.
Okay, let me be blunt. They are flaming sexual perverts, and they delight in perverting it for everyone else. They make boys more feminine because it offers them a larger pool of sex toys. At the same time, the standards of what’s “feminine” is more boyish, where girls are supposed to have narrow hips, and our culture subtly sexualizes undeveloped girls as the other ideal. It’s the damned notion of unisexual slavery, making the sexes undifferentiated and begging to be abused. So the same Joe Sixpack who claims he likes a rounded and busty gal will also lust after the little girls who wear inappropriate clothing and make-up, whether he admits to himself or not. I could point out other trends, but this one is one of our greatest sources of misery.
The elite aren’t always malevolent. At the beginning of a civilizational shift, something which in itself lasts multiple generations, most of the elite are pretty good people. They caught a vision of what could be, however flawed that vision, and earnestly sought to make things better for humanity. Yet, before that first generation even got old enough to retire, the psychopaths showed up and infiltrated the system. You see, the existence of psychopaths is hard-wired into human nature. You can’t simply breed them out of existence, because it’s something fairly random and based on multiple factors. There is no genetic test possible, only a very firm shift in how the brain operates once they develop beyond a certain level. There are also degrees of psychopathy, so it simply isn’t that easy to detect. Precious few ever manage to recover any normality with therapy, so the only way to stop them is to kill them young. You’d have to be a psychopath to be effective at weeding them out early; good people won’t do it.
Psychopaths are opportunists by nature, so they work their way into power in every civilization and social structure. Whatever you build must be able to work with them involved. The solution is not simply education alone, because that’s been tried. Our own US education system is proof of that. It was hijacked in a process which began a decade or so before the outbreak of the Civil War. While the first whisker of the beast snuffing around could be felt before America was colonized by Europeans, we see most of the plans failing until the middle of the 19th Century. The Civil War was an early symptom of their success, and in the aftermath, their plans really took hold and have steered things on the same path ever since. What we have today in terms of public education, including the tendency to oppress all private education which isn’t property of the elites, is so deeply owned by the psychopaths, most of the participants can’t imagine any other system. The point here is, the psychopaths took over the one thing most people reflexively expect to be the best means of attacking the psychopaths. You can’t educate them into a corner, because they will simply hijack the education system.
So restraining that sort of evil government rule has to come from something they can’t easily touch. That means something rooted in the civilization and social structure itself. Whatever bright idea you come up with has to limit the psychopaths. Need I point out our so-called democratic system, with its Enlightenment assumptions, was the least resistant to such hijacking? No other system in history fell so quickly to oppression. And it looks to remain in their clutches because they are using the system to prevent anyone coming up with something truly new. It goes to the core of our current civilization. Consider the fundamental assumptions behind the Westphalia Treaty. This is the psychopath’s dream: the State as a disembodied corporation. It’s a civilizational shift in itself. You now have a devil of a time getting people to remember government is people, because no people are held accountable except in the most rare occasions, and then it’s usually a mere show trial. No, we have to have something too deeply rooted for them to rip it out easily.
When psychopaths can direct attention from themselves, they win. Period. Whatever it is we do has to keep them in high profile so we know who they are, and what they are. Bell the cat. We cannot keep them out of power, so we need to make sure their power is limited by the nature of things. You have to have in place something fundamental, something sacred they dare not touch. Granted, there are ways to get around that, but it’s the longest and hardest path we can force upon them. What we have now, and what seems to be forming as we drift into the next civilizational shift, seems to offer them no resistance at all.
It’s not that I expect people to suddenly wise up, make me their guru, and follow all my marvelous suggestions. By no means would I imagine things getting any better anytime soon. I just hope I can offer something which helps explain my cynicism, and where it leads me. Finally, I hope it will lead you, dear reader, to consider realistically ways you can minimize the certain coming sorrows by implementing some wiser measures based on actual human nature, not a bunch of cultural mythology. What I offer in my high volume of long posts is not intended to make you think like me, but to make you think.
If you can accept the notion some things are hard-wired in human nature, you’re less likely to beat your head against a brick wall, trying to change the immutable, and work on things which are more malleable.
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This is a first impression after several reads on your blog. Your ideas are more mainstream than you seem to believe. What strikes me as your unique marker is the sources from which you draw your opinions. They seem to me as reaching back farther and probing deeper into the chains of events that brought us to where we are. Maybe that’s just letting too big a hint as to how unlearned I am. I met a woman online on John Eldrige’s forum, Ransomed Heart. She was well versed in ANE mysticism. Much like you, she was. Nevertheless, your writings are quite widely reflected elsewhere in the blogshere but more attuned to, well, I’m going to call it gut instinct which reminds me of your characterizations of mysticism. Mysticism with historical background.
When people sense a crisis gut instinct is the default mode. Then the training of the culture, especially if its perverted, gets discarded. Its a survival instinct. Its where we are and its what’s happeneing. I am seeing young mothers, totally absorbed in family making, social contacts and pop culture becoming startlingly alarmed at the threats in the world from the schools to the generel government to the putrid culture to world disarray. Men in my neck of the woods are brushing up on stuff like you’ll fnd on the Art of Manliness web site, arming, learning woodscraft, networking with like minded men, training boys not to be metrosexuals.
You’re neither alone nor completely unique. What you offer is foundational. You put meat on the bone of gut instinct reaction to threats to the truth.
Perceptive, Mike. I am consciously shedding the junk of two millennia or more because I figure what came from God back in the ANE was the closest we can get to what we are wired for, designed for, and willing to confirm those things we do okay. We don’t have to throw away everything, just the stuff which won’t work. Most people seem to understand better if they know where I’m coming from, even if they don’t agree.
Meanwhile, I honestly believe we are on the edge of a civilizational shift. This seems a good time to ask folks to think about what that means.