The NWO plans to kill off more than Stalin ever imagined possible.
Somewhere along the path, the original plan of the Illuminati took an unanticipated turn. The original intent was to invade every government and social institution and sow such widespread chaos everyone would beg for a competent world government. However, there simply is no way to do this as things stand.
Sure, the basic means of control are all pretty much in place, but there are simply too many who see all this coming. And these freethinkers who see all the history of manipulation are just influential enough to prevent a complete takeover by this elite group. The NWO simply cannot produce enough chains and shackles to go around.
And targeted assassination is simply too big of a chore. So the NWO has had to back off their plans a bit until they can reduce the threat. The only way to do that is reduce the human population of the earth … drastically. We’ve seen numbers tossed around, but the NWO’s own published plans indicate they would be happy with something between 500 million and 2 billion tops. Killing off the rest would reduce the presence of the freethinkers to a manageable level.
There are any number of plans to carry this out. We’ve heard about engineered diseases, seen some pretty nasty environmental pollution (think in terms of toxic to humans in particular, not the alleged sanctity of Mother Nature), and a general rise in military/police murder of civilians as examples of this. Aside from protecting a select few useful servants, there really hasn’t been much of a trend at selective slaughter. Okay, we see they seem intent on killing mostly darker skinned folks. Right now a popular target is Muslims, because they tend to live on land which hosts some of the most important exploitable mineral resources.
It’s pretty hard to get one’s head around all the ways they go about this. For example, there are thousands of spies, some knowing and some patsies, doing their best to provoke radical Islamic thinking and actions. This is guaranteed to bring a backlash of fear and hatred against all Muslims, so the rest of the world agrees to wiping them out. The more outrageous the Islamic behavior, the better for the ultimate plans. Thus, there is massively generous funding for radical Islamic terrorism, or at least false flag terrorism in the name of Allah.
Most of the drastic controls we see aborning right now in the West actually won’t work too well until the population is reduced quite a bit, so don’t make the mistake of thinking we are safe in our Western strongholds. The primary propaganda assertion is these controls are utterly essential to our survival, no debate permitted. Whenever and wherever they fail, for whatever reason, it becomes an excuse to provoke the restive masses even further, which in turn justifies any number of measures to kill more people. When fear doesn’t work, kill everyone who doesn’t fear.
There is a very large counter movement going on under various labels: Liberty Movement, Patriot Underground, Patriot Militia, etc. Some of this is purely false flag, as are most of what the MSM labels under various “White Power” movements. There is virtually no such thing as a genuine KKK in the US; if you know about it, it’s fake. Some of the more sincere souls in the freedom movement are being subverted by false information feeds: Rense, Makow, Infowars, etc. Too few are discerning and careful. Too many are desperate for support and kindred minds, so they tend to swallow black ops information. Right now, you can find vast troves of information which is mostly accurate, but discredited by elements of pure nonsense. It’s really hard to discern who’s a willing tool and who’s just a fool.
Even my use of the term “Illuminati” is simply symbolism, because I won’t pretend to know who they are of where they come from. All I can do is point to what it seems they do, and match it to what some have said they have planned all along. To imagine there is no conspiracy working to take over rule of all the world is pure stupidity, but most of those who claim to expose the “real secret” aren’t any better. In some cases, where they all come from is immaterial: Freemasons, various sects of the Kabbal, mainstream Zionism and the Rothschilds, Germanic Neo-Nazis, etc. I suppose you could make a reasonable stab at sifting fact from fiction if you read all the stuff out there, but it’s more important for this discussion to see what is actually being done at the high levels of current governing agencies, official or otherwise. Then, try to understand no single agency has all the cards, so there is most likely something unseen above them all.
I also rather expect those at the very top of this are entirely likely to turn on each other at some critical point, and it will all fall apart. But that’s another article.
What I’m getting at is I seriously doubt even the majority of sincere freethinkers are prepared to imagine the scale of slaughter contemplated by those at the top. I doubt there is any one single plan to carry this out. It’s more like multiple teams competing against each other on behalf of the same ownership, seeing who can win the award for best results. Nor should you imagine it would come all at once, or all in one place at once. I would suggest the NWO has patience across generations for reasons we could not comprehend. As I’ve said often, they aren’t literally space aliens, but they are entirely alien from the rest of humanity. David Icke is only half wrong, eh? But prepare your mind for death on a scale never before imagined, in all sorts of ways. Prepare your mind for efforts to top previous evil manifestations of human oppression.
The reason we bother to study these things is so nothing surprises us. Aplomb and inner tranquility is the only defense worth seeking, because that’s the only hope for keeping a handle on whatever you believe is your mission in life.
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Have to disagree with this. A lot of people will fail to reproduce in teh coming decades, but this is regular old natural selection, not government repression.
As to an actual slaughter or purge – you don’t need one because birthrates are falling so fast around the world.
I believe if you did the math, crabclaw, you’d find: If everyone one in the world stopped having sex right now, the attrition rate would not bring world population low enough to satisfy the stated goals of reducing more than 10 billion to less than 2 billion.
We struggle not against flesh and blood… Are you shortchanging the implications of that scripture in favor of a genuine belief in a man made conspiracy?
I believe I covered that in the last paragraph. Conspiracies are real, but so is faith. Satan works through flesh and blood to create a fear which keeps people distracted from the greater issues. By being aware of what he wants us to fear, we can dismiss it, face it with aplomb.