The Meatgrinder

I still bear a powerful empathy for military people. That was my world for a significant chunk of my life. Despite the very ponderous moral questions regarding involvement in such a hideous enterprise as the US military has become, they are still people and my heart longs to see better things for them.
But someone intends to make them sick or dead.

Baughman began his own investigation into four American soldiers who died in their sleep, in 2008. Baughman writes: “all in their twenties … no signs of suicide or of a multi-drug ‘overdose’ … as claimed by the Inspector General of the VA… All were on the same prescribed drug cocktail, Seroquel (antipsychotic), Paxil (antidepressant) and Klonopin (benzodiazepine).”
Baughman calls on the Surgeon General to embargo the use of all antipsychotics and antidepressants in the military.
Baughman’s initial inquiry suggests as many as 247 soldiers have died from cardiac arrest after ingesting these drugs.

To get the entire picture, you have to understand there are plenty of elites who simply don’t care what happens to the cannon fodder in uniform. There’s always more where that came from, right? The US has a lot of bodies, and increasing numbers are unemployed, so sending them off to illegal wars is a good way to employ them.
A good number of them are driven mad. They are required to do things unconscionable, and do it a lot. Trying to keep their moral apprehensions down is a hard job. On top of that, the job is simply impossible in the first place. And the atmosphere is insanely artificially difficult for reasons of satisfying someone’s sick demand everyone go through what they imagined they went through some years ago, as if it were somehow sacred. A huge portion of military regulations have no justification, and much of that is justified only by evil. Been there; done that and read the history of how those regulations came into being. There is simply no good reason for most of what makes life difficult for the troops.
At some level, this is wholly intentional. It’s not just the random results of “don’t give a damn” policies for corporate profits, but someone sees this all too clearly, and promotes it. There are people actively pleased by these outcomes, or it would have already changed. Instead, it gets steadily worse.
Don’t pay any attention to what they say; look at what they do.
This is all part of the overall plan I posted yesterday to reduce the human population of the world. The troops will murder senselessly thousands just doing their job. Then they’ll come home in a box or so insane they’ll do more killing here. Pumping them full of psychosis inducing chemicals is just another way of cutting down the population.

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