One of the most pernicious cultural lies is modern silliness about “robbing children of their childhood.”
First off, let’s make it clear: If anyone is destroying childhood, it’s people who use that sort of phrase. These are not good moral people, but busybodies seeking yet one more excuse to destroy the family by government intrusion. The one best hope for childhood is the child’s own family. When government busybodies get involved, every child suffers. Whatever mythology they follow regarding morality is pure sewage at best.
Even when things are going as well as possible, human life on this planet is a mess. It’s fundamentally broken, and it can’t be fixed. Any contrary notion is a damned lie; it’s what Satan wants people to believe. That suffering will fall unevenly across the global population is the result of even more and worse mythologies, so we should hardly be shocked when some poor girl in Bangladesh gets married younger than we consider normal here, for example. No, childbearing at a young physical age is not good, but directly attacking the procedure is pointless if you haven’t fixed the underlying folly which creates such an unpleasant setting.
The same people who decry childhood marriage in places like Bangladesh are the same people who would love to sterilize whole countries to prevent them having so many children in the first place. Such fine, upstanding folks, no? Yes, and let’s force those brown people to all be like us middle class Americans, while we’re at it, okay? We’ll give them shopping malls, debauchery in movies and TV shows, and utterly artless music and all sorts of dehumanizing programming. Yes, and let’s sexualize their children so they have profligate sex with each other, of course, as a normal part of their childhood.
In the name of stopping others from robbing children of their childhood, we see an incredible arrogance stomping on the lives of millions because it makes us more comfortable here in the West.
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