Truth lives in Heaven, so it’s not about us.
This blogger is a non-profit prophet. This is not about me. It would be a huge mistake to offer me any form or degree of reverence. I’m not holy, just chosen. No part of this will make sense on a human level, and it’s frankly not what I would have chosen for myself. It’s part of the same package where the Apostle Paul didn’t choose to become a Christian there on the road to Damascus. I’m not worthy to wash Paul’s dirty feet, so there’s no arrogance here.
Ignore me if you can.
The Truth cuts its own path in your soul. I won’t pretend it’s important because it happens to come from my fingers or mouth. I offer no proof of anything. If the message doesn’t carry its own proof for you, just move on and find something more entertaining to read. Don’t take me seriously, because I don’t.
There are some things which come with the package, some implications of this label “prophet.” I don’t surrender my personality, but you probably won’t see a lot of it. I don’t have room for expressing myself; it’s not about me. This thing is all-consuming. In the biblical tradition that means I don’t take up offerings, never ask for anything, but accept anything you decide to offer. I think of it as an offering to God from you, and a gift to me from God. If you ask me to pray for something specific, I’ll take it quite seriously. That’s because in that ancient tradition, a prophet is more likely to get an answer from God regarding your request. It’s not a privileged position or anything; it’s just part of how God does business. I’m an agent, conscripted at that. It’s not the agent making anything important, but for Whom he’s an agent.
Ask questions about the Bible and morality in general, and you’ll get my understanding of things. Not “The Official Answer” in that sense, but the answer I find myself compelled to give. If you have read anything I’ve written here so far, you’ll understand how Truth seems so fuzzy on this plane of existence. It’s a problem with life here, not Truth. This realm is all warped, twisted and broken. Truth is rooted in that Other Realm which is perfect, and is only somewhat expressible here. Truth coming into this realm is always somewhat flavored by the vehicle, including the people God appoints to express it for Him. I do my best to grasp the Bible from the mental frame of reference held by those who wrote it, and I’ve long contended most Western scholars get that wrong. You can decide for yourself whether my contention holds any water.
I’m not trying to convince you of anything. Whatever I could do by my human talents to change your mind is not going to have eternal consequences. It’s that “eternal” business which drives me, and I don’t trust my own abilities to accomplish anything which matters. So you can review my messages here from any perspective you choose, and I won’t take it personally. I’m not doing this for you, nor for me.
I’m doing this because I can’t avoid it, can’t turn away from it.
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