Repentance Activist

Let’s explore the conceptual boundaries.

Try to imagine some really daring radical activists, the short who sleep in their vehicles, climb man-made structures not at all designed for climbing, and hanging their banners and such to promote their political and social agendas. Now imagine their agenda is calling for a nation to Repent.

Daring to suggest people repent and pursue the mystical life I blather about here is radical, for sure. No one has to tell me I am “way out there”. Indeed, I already have it from God the majority of Americans would not turn from their sins. But the radicals’ devotion to their truth is hardly a match for my commitment to my truth. It’s not as if I’m planning a radical activist campaign to wave banners from supposedly impossible to climb structures. I’d be glad to do that, but it’s not where I feel the Spirit leading right now. My sense of adventure is not the steering factor here.

Yet this is the proper frame of mind for a prophet in these times in America. The primary mission was to call people back to the ancient and unchanging message of God. He calls to us as He did Adam and Eve in the Garden, “Where are you? Can we talk?” The only thing which has changed is the clarity of the message, up through the appearance of Christ. Now it’s just a matter of translating that message into the culture of the times. The prophetic calling was more about speaking His Word to the ears of the people in their context than it was about predictions and such.

Indeed, it takes only a sincerely seeking spirit and heart to understand the consequences of sin in broad general terms. God operates consistently, even if beyond our understanding for the most part. His mission for Jonah to Ninevah was wholly consistent with His revelation up to that time, with only the added business of His specific plans.

I am utterly certain God’s plans for the NWO include the general curses under His Laws. That means we can expect them to destroy themselves, that their own corruption will dissolve their plans before their eyes, just when they are getting excited about how well it’s going. That’s how God operates. Within that bigger picture, I believe the Lord has revealed to me America is doomed. Unlike Nineveh, whatever prophetic mission I might have does not promise to relent if they turn from their sins.

The only reason so many Christians are sure God can still “save America” is because of a highly skewed and false idea America is special among nations in His plans. Precious few nations in history ever thought otherwise. That there were miracles in our founding, where it was too obvious God was in favor of the idea, does not translate to a charmed existence, as if we somehow inherited some of that Old Testament favor God had for Israel. God favored Assyria, Babylon and the Persians each in turn before He destroyed their empires. He destroyed Israel, too, when her purpose was ended. The Cross ended the mission of Israel, the very purpose she had any particular favor from God. The Resurrection of Christ forever moved His divine favor in that sense into the Heavens. The only nation He now favors as His very own peculiar people are Christians, those spiritually born, citizens of His personal realm in the Spirit.

Any contrary teaching is blasphemous heresy. In other words, our support for the political entity called “Israel” today is, in effect, a denial of Christ and the Cross. This is a warning from God’s Spirit to all who embrace Zionism as somehow commanded by the Bible of Christians. That’s a lie, easily traced through history and the perverted thinking of very evil men. No nation on this earth matters any more, forever and until the End of Time.

However, every nation does have the opportunity to obey the Laws of God. That they will not even consider it is often the fault of believing the pagan religious epistemology of Aristotle is somehow God’s revelation. But there are thousands of other excuses. Thus, while I do bring a message of warning to national governments about God’s Laws and His wrath, I realize this is more a matter of offering them a fair chance, and holding them accountable for knowing they have chosen evil.

On the other hand, that same opportunity is extended to any lesser groupings of humanity, down to the very individual. Granted, the blessings of obeying His Laws are reduced by the failures of those in other realms of authority we are forced to share, but you still cannot hope for a better life here on this earth than what you gain by obeying His Laws. If you are alone in such obedience among the whole world, you would know His power and favor rest upon you because you stand where that power and favor are found. Provided you understand the goals and meanings of those Laws of God, you’ll see the evidence with your own eyes.

Best of all, that repentance and obedience is the gateway to eternity. The primary call of the gospel message is “repent!” You cannot compel God to give life to your dead spirit, nor that of any other human, but He has said that certainly won’t happen separate from repentance. So on the human plane of things, our call is always “repent!”

As a prophet of God, I am willing to do anything it takes to put that message on the targets He chooses.

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