Husband and Lord

Ladies, you don’t have to call him “master and lord,” but if you don’t treat your man like one, you will incur God’s wrath.

As a writer, being repetitive is a problem. As a prophet it’s necessary. As a part of His teaching presentation, Jesus would often say, “How shall I present the ideas of the Kingdom?” In His own home culture, already somewhat Hellenized, it wasn’t too hard to use parables and common Hebrew cultural symbols. What was hard was getting people to grasp the underlying meaning. We know for a certainty Jesus would repeat certain images and used some parables over and over again, because that’s how people learn truth.

Most of His teaching was aimed at shaking people loose from the failed mythology of their times, and returning their hearts to the ancient ways. Mankind has not changed one iota from the days since Noah, and what God revealed as the best way to live on this earth after the Fall is still the one best way. Technology and human science only changes the mythology, the symbols and imagery, not the fundamental truth of what people are like and how they operate. Further, the moral fabric in Creation has not changed. Instead, humans keep inserting a new, false mythology based on a partial understanding.

So critical was this call back to the ancient understanding, we find Apostle Paul stating plainly things Hebrew people would have taken for granted. Not only was he dealing with Hellenized Diaspora Jews, but the whole Hellenic culture of the Mediterranean Basin. His instructions would have seemed foreign to them, but those born in a Hebrew culture would not think so. However, with Paul we have the advantage of someone who isn’t going to drag into the picture all the unnecessary cultural baggage of the Hebrews, just the essence of what was necessary for all humanity. His rules for church order and home life were much simpler than Hebrew social customs. What was lost was the richness of a cultural heritage which put things in perspective.

So as a modern day prophet, I find myself restoring some of that richness. By no means do I correct Paul’s work; I’m facing a totally different crowd. I’m facing a vastly far removed Post-modern Western Civilization in the latter years of America’s existence. Unlike Nineveh in the Jonah narrative, it’s too late for America in particular, and the West in general. The reason for dragging all this corrective teaching out into the light is not to save America, but Americans. If what I teach here calls to you, consider your response. I testify what I write here has worked miraculously well for me, which is the whole point for you: claim the miracles God said He offers to everyone and anyone who obeys His ways for fallen mankind.

One sin keeps coming up in my face: feminist warfare against God’s Word.

I’ve written much about Game and already said it reflects biblical truth, in the sense it sets out an accurate picture of human nature. That it is so difficult to swallow is an indictment against our culture, not the concept itself. It works despite the vast layer of feminist mythology trying hard to hide it from us. I use it every day, and it offers the most accurate prediction of how people are going to respond; it allows me to steer the behavior of those who aren’t aware of it.

I do that steering from the shepherd’s heart. This is the divine calling of all men, and I will ever aspire to conform to its high demands. I am blessed beyond words, living with a wife who understands it at least as well as I do. Even better, she understands it instinctively, while I have to think about it, and I’m still struggling to implement it consistently. No one is perfect, not even her, but she handles my imperfections better than anyone I’ve ever met. She enables and enhances my struggle to be the shepherd in Kingdom service.

In a sense, she enables me to be a better man, particularly for her own needs.

Joke all you like about the fragile ego of men. No man is perfect, and precious few can actually pull off the Alpha Male act consistently. Yet, every man has it in him to be more of that. A woman suffering from feminist lies will not bring that out of him. Sure, laugh at the foibles of male imperfections. But if you fail to cater to your own man’s self-image as a man, you are destroying your own life.

The blessings of God’s Laws are summed up in the Hebrew term shalom, which is far more than simple “peace.” It’s shorthand for all the things in human existence which make for reasonable prosperity, security from threats and diseases, and social stability. Because of the Fall we all suffer a bit from the lack of these things, but going out of your way to make it worse is not only stupid, it’s sinful. A major element in God’s wrath on America is this very thing, often summed up under the term “feminism.” It’s poking a finger in God’s eye, daring Him to respond.

Your man’s ego is a sign of his imperfection; your imperfection is treating his ego as something evil and sinful. If you can’t resist poking holes in it simply because you happen to know it’s all part facade, you are provoking God’s wrath on your home life. If you do so in front of others, you are begging for the worst God has warned He will do. Your shalom depends on building him up publicly, and at home. Not in the fakery of an inflated ego, but your mission is to encourage his self-confidence against the world. Failure to deliver is what we expect from everyone, including the person in the mirror, but every good thing you can possibly have in this life depends on building up your man’s reputation. If he gets better at delivering because you support him, you are contributing to your own welfare because you are pleasing God.

It’s not as if you can’t help him when he’s misinformed about something, but if you don’t learn the ways of women who help drive their men to greatness, you’ll destroy him and yourself. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out a routine by which you get his attention and fix a mistake without shooting him down in front of others. We see so little of that in America, it’s no surprise our nation is coming apart.

Hear the word of the Lord: Ladies, disrespect for your husband equates to slapping God in the face. If he’s a genuinely bad man, the starting place is recognizing you were stupid enough to marry him. When you confess to God your own sins, you make room for Him to forgive and heal and start fixing the sins of others. Again, only a fool is absolutist in thinking no one can escape a dangerous marriage which traps you in sin, but if you don’t understand the generalities first, you can’t appeal to God for exceptions. If you embrace this teaching, you won’t help save America, because it’s too late for that. However, you may well save your own life and make it easier to see the path of departure from this life into the one Above.

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12 Responses to Husband and Lord

  1. Robin says:

    This is a strong entry, Ed, and much needed. The average American husband gets little or no respect from his wife. Publicly and privately she tears him down every chance she gets. It’s fully as bad in the evangelical churches as it is in the surrounding society.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Thanks, Robin. I wish you and everyone else who grasps this would steal it, broadcast it, shout it from the housetops. Forget my name but let people know the truth of God, for their own good.

  2. Robin says:

    I posted it on my Facebook wall and at least one friend has shared it.

  3. Robin says:

    I will also pass on the link to Dalrock and Christian Men’s Defense Network, two excellent “manosphere” blogs.

  4. ray says:

    “Most of His teaching was aimed at shaking people loose from the failed mythology of their times, and returning their hearts to the ancient ways. Mankind has not changed one iota from the days since Noah, and what God revealed as the best way to live on this earth after the Fall is still the one best way. Technology and human science only changes the mythology, the symbols and imagery, not the fundamental truth of what people are like and how they operate. Further, the moral fabric in Creation has not changed. Instead, humans keep inserting a new, false mythology based on a partial understanding.”
    instead of accepting the fundamental truths as revealed by Christ and the OT prophets, each new generation imagines it’s a Special Snowflake with the Answer to all human problems
    “I’ve written much about Game and already said it reflects biblical truth, in the sense it sets out an accurate picture of human nature. That it is so difficult to swallow is an indictment against our culture, not the concept itself. It works despite the vast layer of feminist mythology trying hard to hide it from us. I use it every day, and it offers the most accurate prediction of how people are going to respond; it allows me to steer the behavior of those who aren’t aware of it.”
    so as God’s Prophet, you’re advising that we cling to the ancient fundamental truths, and in the next breath you’re advising that we embrace the NEWEST of sociological gadgets, Game, . . . on the absurd claim that Game “reflects biblical truth”?
    come on Prophet, you cannot actually imagine that Christ and his Father want their primal commandments and truths passed through the sieve of something as silly and newfangled as Game? think maybe Jesus might have mentioned it, were it sufficiently important?
    it’s astonishing that you guys can delude yourselves in such a comprehensive way
    i can see that your backs are up about defending Game, tho, and my suggestion to cleave to Christ and the Bible — rather than Game — is never received warmly lol
    as God’s Prophet, however, youre used to disappointments, so doubtless youll take this in stride

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Ray, I never suggested Game was a perfect explanation. There are too many variations out there. What I do say is it tends to reflect the ancient truth, particularly in the context of the West. Context is everything. Game is not a technology, but a set of observations, which is the whole point in calling it “game theory” in the first place. Instead of following the established social mythology, they experimented with human behavior using a different model. What the bulk of writers have discovered happens to overlap what Scripture says on the same issues. Perhaps I’m one of the first persons to notice this.
      I won’t saddle you with doing a ton of research, but were you to try the search box built into this blog using the single search term “game” you’d find some 2/3 of the listed articles are actually about Game. From the rather large collection of posts which do apply to the subject, you’ll get a wider view of my thoughts. You’ll notice I take issue with many of the finer points of folks like Vox Day, and certainly the godless Roissy, among others. How much difference would I need to list to satisfy you? I can’t help it if you don’t see the overlap between what the Bible says and something a few secular social theorists have noticed.
      Your arrogant sarcasm about whether I am a prophet is pointless, and adds nothing to the discussion. God doesn’t need your permission to use me, and I don’t need your permission to claim He’s doing it. It’s not as if I use the claim as leverage to convince people with closed minds. If you don’t grasp the point of my mentioning I’m a prophet, then you’re better off ignoring it altogether if you want to have a conversation. I’m not going to beat you over the head with it.
      Meanwhile, where I see the Spirit of God shining His light on something which echoes His Word, I have no choice but to point it out. Disappointment with how this works out is not even on the horizon of my consciousness. I’m sitting at my keyboard with perfect peace and a smile on my face.

  5. ray says:

    that is not a response, that’s censorship and feminine pettiness
    if you cant stand for disagreement, dont allow comments (unless youre the usual solipsist who demands agreement, otherwise you silence)
    obviously you imagine yourself quite advanced before my holy God, quite full of your Prophetness before him, Mr. Hurst
    if he says youre his Prophet, then i will surely bow to you and beg your pardon
    but seeing how youve elevated the matter, until i hear otherwise, i say mr hurst that you are a false prophet, and a coward to boot
    censor that, punk

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