Recent survey indicates lots of clergymen are becoming atheists. It would be cool if they simply left the ministry and did something else, but too many of them stay in religious leadership positions, which is utterly dishonest. At any rate, the number one complaint is religion can’t seem to do much for human suffering.
Jesus told one religious PhD, if you want to understand God and His work on this plane of existence, you’ll have to gain a spiritual life first. If you don’t have a spiritual birth, you can’t understand spiritual events, miracles, etc. Paul said those people who left the true Kingdom service never belonged in the first place.
I don’t know about these guys turning atheist, but the Bible says to me pretty bluntly we have human suffering because humans are in charge of too many things. Indeed, one of the first things recorded in Scripture is the story of why everything really sucks because humans took charge of things they never could manage in the first place. Human suffering is caused by humans, and they aren’t equipped to fix the underlying problem.
But of course, almost the entire landscape of Christendom is run by folks who don’t quite grasp that. They may even give lip service to the idea, but their entire theology and organizational activities aim at doing things they say they know they can’t do, and shouldn’t want to do.
Even my own Religion professors in college said really stupid things like, “Jesus’ death on the Cross had nothing to do with sin.” Any man who could say that while he lives surely roasts in Hell after he dies. Sometimes I’m simply at a loss for words. God Himself says He sent His only natural born heir to pay for the sins of the world, and people who claim to serve Him deny it’s possible.
Lord help us; we sooooooo deserve His wrath.
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