A Major Minor Point of Conflict

It’s major to me, but a complete non-issue with most of the manosphere.
In order to sensibly present my point of contention, I suppose I’ll have to pull together a certain amount of background and clarify some false impressions on the way to clarifying a false impression.
If you understand all my blather about Scripture and the Laws of God, you probably realize I don’t stand on absolutes in terms of human conduct. Jesus died on the Cross and God forgives sin. The issue is intentionally fuzzy in terms of human logic because divine logic is much higher, and is most certainly a different thing altogether from the human sort. Divine logic is also knowable in terms of what God has chosen to reveal. So Jesus and Paul together in Scripture make a big deal out of human sexual intercourse. They say rather bluntly every time you roll in the hay, you are morally obliged to treat it like a permanent marriage commitment. You are not permitted to sample the wares. But if you have already, repent and look for ways to improve your moral behavior by changing your moral perception.
The issue is not perfect performance, but moral conformance. Stand with God; that’s the meaning behind the English word “confess.” Agree with God morally even if you find yourself unable to act accordingly. Don’t make light of your failures. Take it seriously, but not in terms of performance against some objective standard, since there is no such thing, except in the very broken human imagination. Rather, understand there are very real consequences which can be understood in terms of the moral fabric of God’s Creation. Each failure will build bad moral structures in your soul, and create trouble in this life. Mercy and grace can mitigate those problems, but it’s never as simple as your human mind wants to imagine.
The biggest lie in the manosphere is you have some inherent right to get your rocks off, as if there is something holy and righteous about that. Such is an utterly demonic viewpoint. That’s not to say I in any way agree with feminist mythology regarding such things. They are wrong, but for a totally different reason. They most certainly aren’t seeking God’s moral approval. The problem here is sexual fulfillment is not a right, not a human need, but a powerful urge which, if not properly channel, will wreak havoc in human society. God’s image of a good and stable human society is so radically different than anything commonly envisioned and proposed today, I often feel as if I stand alone among all humanity, but I refuse to yield the point. It’s God’s revelation and an awful lot of people understood it at one time, even if it’s totally alien now. Sex is not essential to your human destiny and reaching the fullness of your manhood. Dying a virgin does not leave you somehow incomplete.
The whole notion of “sexual imperative” has taken on a very cheap pagan magical aura. Such is reflected in the very worst, most damnable and hateful pagan cults throughout human history, and for good reason. The very notion itself is damned nonsense — literally, it is a lie from the Devil designed to drag as many souls as possible down into Hell. It’s a deception, a part of what makes this fallen world a prison in the first place.
What happens if you slip and “get some” in a context where you shouldn’t? Some of the consequences are well understood even on purely human terms if you care to think about it. For one thing, humans are hard-wired from birth to form an attachment, a permanent bond. Are you willing to follow through on that? If not, it tends to leave lasting damage to both parties. We might debate what that attachment means, and what it includes, but it’s there and we all sense it. What’s not always apparent is how it tears the moral fabric when we fail to follow through. It’s permanent damage, and you’ll have to work around it for the rest of your life. It’s probably doable, but why cripple yourself intentionally? You will pay a price, even if you ignore it. I could go on, but this by itself is enough to make the point.
If you repent, the Lord can still use you. Refuse to repent and you are accursed. You may never notice the repercussions, but that doesn’t remove them.
The cavalier attitude I encounter in the manosphere isn’t simply sinners refusing to admit there is a God. It’s too often a matter of professing Christians buying the worldly pagan lie. Critical to serving Christ is the utter necessity of not tying yourself to any ball-n-chain. Even our modern Western culture recognizes a bad marriage fitting that image. When you recognize the Bible says in no uncertain terms every sexual encounter is a permanent link pulling on your soul, you realize this is not a good thing. It’s not a question of some stinking piece of paper offering a government permit to do anything, nor even social recognition by your peers that you are husband and wife. The fundamental issue is God knows and holds you accountable.
I can understand why most Christians won’t work with me, given the vast majority are deeply wedded to Western epistemology. I can explain their distaste for me better than they can, but I refuse to participate in the manosphere because they almost uniformly fail to uphold things even Westerners can understand in terms of morality. The issue is often hidden behind talk of what makes a woman interesting, what qualifies her for drawing your sexual intent. They talk long and repeatedly about demanding she be physically highly qualified, then sort of add in as a footnote she might need to be educated as to the ways of Game. However, there is loads of talk about how to manipulate and control women who prove hard to train.
The excuse is often that a man is already in a bad relationship, and we need to work out how he can tame the beast. Yes, fixing a bad marriage is definitely critical. But the same discussion is often just an excuse for PUA talk, predatory emotional abuse. How about we spend more time discussing how to lay down the barriers to prevent messing with intractable women in the first place? The most damnable thing is the emphasis on how a woman must be first and foremost physically appealing, and then maybe we’ll discuss how to deal with her emotionally. I find almost nobody in the manosphere proposes reconstructing our manly behavior so we prepare our minds to first look for someone morally worthy and emotionally prepared to walk the right path and to Hell with how she looks. The inherent narcissism about how pretty she must be first is what I find so damnable.
God demands you plan on keeping her for life, and that you walk carefully before considering any kind of bonding. If you cultivate that dependence on feminine physical beauty as the first indicator of worthiness, you will be morally weakened against the day she gets just a little older, or suffers some debilitating accident or something which makes her less appealing to your vanity. You’ll find yourself dissatisfied and wanting a new toy. Don’t lie; like Hell you won’t. Get rid of that ball-n-chain attitude before you get started. If we don’t fix this cultural issue first, the whole business of Game is damned nonsense. Stop justifying the dick-head brand of manhood; it’s no part of what Christ taught.
Build your standards on how she responds, not what your eyes see.

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4 Responses to A Major Minor Point of Conflict

  1. This is good, this is very good.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Thanks. It felt good writing it. It’s been boiling in my soul for a long time, and for some reason I just could not find the words until recently.

  2. deryckrj says:

    I find my own views conflict with yours for the first half of this piece and then move more into alignment during the second half. I agree wholeheartedly that the notion of sex as just some sort of thing people feel they ought to do is repellent, however I think to attribute this notion to paganism is incorrect. From a pagan perspective sexual intercourse is not only a fundamental human activity but it is also entirely sacred. The kind of narcissistic, amoral and empty sexual activity you reference in the latter part of the article is not the creation of paganism, but rather consumerism. Men have been conditioned, through advertising and other media, to accept a sexual paradigm that is superficial and easily accessible. This facile attachment to puerile fantasies regarding sex is a means to an end for the marketplace.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Thanks for coming by, Deryck. As I’ve told others, respectful dissent is always welcome here. I meant no offense in my use of the term “pagan”. Please note the use of it here is aimed at a predominately Christian audience. The contextual pool of association with words can be quite varied. I am fully aware there can be some good things found in pagan religion, but it won’t make any difference what label you use on bad religion. A lot of bad religion has passed into Post-Modern consciousness, and I’ll be just as quick to slam “Christian” if it means “Western”. I want no part of Western Christianity as a whole.

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