Airheads Versus Civilization

As many have noticed long before me, a life worth living is a lot of hard work. If only this had been the meaning behind the iron motto, “arbeit macht frei” — I would have supported it with my own life. The pool of meaning in the German word “frei” includes sanity and independence. Western Civilization creates a false dichotomy between irresponsible childhood and dour sober adulthood.
The real joy of life is mocking this world as one big lie.
Cling to the highest level of cynicism you can build, but don’t slip into the false assumption of Existentialism, which asserts there is nothing beyond this life. I note Existentialism is so very close to the truth, in that it teaches you not to expect much. It teaches you that grand cynicism, which says the only thing good is first knowing, then being true to, your own nature. Recognize mythology for what it is and what part it plays, but don’t ever actually believe it.
You know you have found some good friendship and fellowship when hanging out with them doesn’t expose you to airhead nonsense.
On the one hand, I love my sheeple and do what I can for them. On the other hand, a critical element of what I can do for them is polarize things by always exposing the roots of anything that gets attention from everyone. So on places life Facebook I say exactly what I think, but not everything I think. I challenge people consciously to put their feet back on the ground and stop being airheads. I’ve been “unfriended” several times, and it’s a good thing.
Thus, I haven’t been faced with too much whining about the insane slaughter in Newton, CT. The bigger story is everyone’s reaction, not the event itself. I offer two links which reflect my own take. First: It’s her tragedy, in which we see feminist assumptions rule.

This is further evidence that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that female solipsism cannot take and make about the woman who stands at the center of life, the universe, and everything. It can actually become rather amusing to watch the clash of solipsistic universes, as women — and a number of men as well, don’t think they don’t — posture in an attempt to one-up each other concerning who feels the tragedy more closely.

Second: Gun lobbyist ready to give up is entirely too long, but almost worth reading to find this —

Because so-called “news” media gun stories are not news, they are propaganda. Showing the image of a mass murderer 100 times a day isn’t news, it is propaganda. Because staying on the same single event for a week or more isn’t news — even reporters would call it old news, or yesterday’s news, or yellow journalism, if they were being honest — a trait many have long since lost the ability to exercise. It is propaganda by every definition of that term.
It is designed to disgust, and cause revulsion, and motivate mob mentality. It serves no news purpose other than to induce fear and cause terror. In five minutes you have told the story, nothing new is added, yet it rolls on with images on endless loop. It promotes evil, encourages copycats, with zero redeeming news value. It violates every rule of ethical news behavior there is.

It doesn’t matter which of the numerous populist theories people embrace regarding why it happened. Not only are they all wrong, but this whole debate is inherently evil. If the folks with whom you hang out don’t make such a fuss about the slaughter, you have found yourself in relatively wise company.

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