So you say you want a revolution? In the Network Age, revolution rarely requires any sort of direct confrontation. If it’s an actual change you want, then keep your eye on that, not all the silly heroism you see in fiction.
The old system is wrong; it justly dies. We can hasten the process just a little by living according to the system to come before it arrives. This gives us a voice in what it will be. A genuine revolution doesn’t simply change the mechanisms of society, but changes the way people think about reality itself. Lots of silly ideas have been promoted and tested this way across the ages. Most of them ignore some fundamental facts of reality. A genuine revolution claims to offer a more accurate approach to how we see things, not merely how we do things.
Perhaps it’s time to try something truly revolutionary. How about letting people think whatever they want to think? All we really need is some basic assumptions about letting everyone have what they like, so long as it does not hinder the next person having what they like, as well. You can’t really stop wars, but you can make them less likely. You can embrace a view of reality that makes allowance for human error. Let’s attack the basic assumptions that open the door to every maniac genius who wants to fix everything. Let’s embrace the fundamental assumption people should be given as much leeway as we can possibly afford.
The old system, and many systems before it, all worked from some grand vision of greatness and making the most of our potential. Let’s build the assumption that very idea itself is flawed from the start. Simply define some protocols for human interaction and let people network together as they see fit. If their protocols threaten networking itself, cut them off. Build a firewall and let in only what suits your needs. Let all humanity be a part of the Network on the same non-human standards computers use.
What gives the old system power over us? How do they maintain their power and control? A critical element is deception and secrecy. A critical weapon against them would naturally be exposure. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of research because the facts are easily found. Do the research and expose how the facts counter the propaganda. A devotion to truth should be a primary virtue of our world.
Data is not truth; it’s just the pavement on the road. It’s how we process and use data that makes us human, unique, valuable to the rest of the world. Learn to process data as a reflex, to think beyond the facts. You don’t ever need to assume your interpretation is the only right one, only that you have a duty to share it so others can decide for themselves. The system we have now is built on denying access to data, to prevent thinking and processing. It treats people as computers to be programmed — garbage in; garbage out. Let’s be people. People use computers; they exist for people, not the other way around. Our opponents are not computers, but people who embrace the broken system are the enemy and try to turn people into mere machines.
The Internet is the true battlefield. AI doesn’t care, can’t be made to care, can’t be creative. We fight over it and with it, not against it. We fight for the freedom to be more human.
Sometimes the data they believe hidden is not. Find it; pull it out. Process it and show the world. Sometimes it requires actively infiltrating the system, either on a human level or virtually. Perhaps the most dangerous would be hacking or cracking the system, and most of us aren’t capable of doing so, at least not safely. If someone determines to take that path, let them face the consequences. But make sure to tell the whole world about it. There is entirely too much available other ways simply because the bulk of those defending the old system tend to be the least competent, the least human.
Those who don’t support the system include experts from all walks of life. Most of the time it’s entirely too easy to shoot holes in the bags of wind defending the system. The Network Resistance is loaded with real experts. Build contacts and do the human networking for this stuff. Marginalize and devalue any source of propaganda, any means of communication the system control completely. Don’t fall for what merely entertains because the lies are built into it. Reevaluate before you face the hypnotic presentation, because you are vulnerable when you give your eyes to the video screen.
Do they use surveillance? Surveil them back. Never let it rest. Digital video cameras are getting cheaper all the time and so is memory. Capture everything that interests you; always be ready. Always be ready to throw away any footage that doesn’t serve your larger purpose. Best is to stream the data as you record it, if possible. Make sure it’s copied somewhere out of reach so that physical confrontation from them doesn’t change the results of your surveillance of them. Otherwise, take still shots and do the same.
Underlying the whole thing is a shift in morality and allegiance. In the final analysis, no political state can truly own you, or otherwise make claims on you. Don’t hesitate to pretend when it doesn’t matter. Tactics and strategy may call for cooperation and even submission most of the time. However, underneath it all, you know you are first a Netizen. It’s your primary human identity, a real human who isn’t a computer, but uses them.
You belong to the Network only because you say so. It’s entirely voluntary. Yes, there are rules; that’s how protocols work. They are not burdensome, but the minimum necessary. We all agree to connect or not. We participate in the fashion and on the level that suits us. We are truly free on the Network.
More than anything else, the destruction of the system hinges on simply becoming something they cannot control. Learn to see through the propaganda, the grandstanding and false flags. Not today, perhaps not tomorrow, but someday the system will collapse because there will be nothing left to consume. The the victims will simply pull away and when the system reaches out to take, there will be nothing.
The current system is very, very fragile.
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