New Article: Spiritual Networking

New permanent article on the static site: Spiritual Networking (site is gone as of 2020). The thesis asserts the Internet is a parable for the Kingdom of Heaven. As such, it is also one of the greatest gifts from God as the means to honestly carrying for the gospel message in the way God intended. Not as we have seen it done by Western missionaries, who may have intended well, but often did more damage to the message than they realized. Staying true to how the Internet works, we can do things far better than that.

Addenda: As a side note, I find the Net has a peculiar function in human psychology most people never notice. If a person is immature enough to do very poorly in social settings, the Net will make it worse. If people are quite mature already, the Net is simply one more way of reaching out to people. The Net itself does not make people anti-social. That’s a convenient fable from people who want control over others.

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