The Myth of Material Progress

You can ignore the moral laws of God all you like, but they don’t go away.

If you ignore them and build a science of prosperity based merely on what humans can perceive and reason about, you will inevitably find yourself on a roller-coaster. It’s unavoidable. Material prosperity as a goal, either alone or as part of a larger materialistic matrix, always ends up pulling too fast when God plans a slow-down. You cannot know about the slow-down because you have discounted God’s revelation in the first place, so He can’t tell you. Then you’ll miss rich opportunities when He’s being more generous for His inscrutable divine reasons.

God does communicate much in terms of precise measurement. While He is fully aware of our time-space senses, He suffers none of that. His perspective on time is from that of Creator. If anything, the experience of time-space constraints are part of the Fall, a part of the curse of human sin. The human rational view of linear time is what’s left when you exclude God. The mystic does not extinguish the divine otherworldly senses, and so faces the passage of time with a totally different perspective. Mysticism is necessary to understand what God is up to in this world; Western anti-mysticism is anti-Christian.

If you address yourself to the world from the mystical approach, you can still have material progress. You won’t be too concerned about it, which is part of the reason you’ll have it. It will be an ebb and flow and you’ll manage because there are far more important moral issues than human comfort and that feeble sense of security that comes from thinking you have control over things. The materialistic Western view looks only at the machinery of things and demands to know all the details and control over the levers. It won’t happen.

So we see a civilization based on rejecting fundamental truth and reality. You chase down all the best ways to have a better life and a longer life, because you can’t see anything beyond this life. So you make some kind of estimated optimum use of material resources, but you’ll always be chasing that more and better. It is inevitable that you will borrow from the future. Sooner or later, it must crash. God warned it would happen, but that’s not allowed in the Western material viewpoint. You can see a whole range of long-distance multi-generational planning that assumes God isn’t going to bring some surprises into the mix. Funny how the ancient mystical civilizations always had access to God’s warnings about such things. Remember Joseph in Egypt and the years of plenty followed by famine? Not permitted in the modern West, yet all part of God’s greater plans leading to the Exodus and some other events.

Brothers and sisters, please depart the prison of Western thinking.

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