Contextual Justice

If nothing else, Solomon’s Ecclesiastes warns that you cannot put God in your logical box.

It amuses me to no end how many Christian teachers say words to that effect, then promptly turn around and proceed trying to make God reasonable. The mental reflexes of Western minds are so perverted that you can’t get them to heed the Word of God. Even when they know as much truth as the mind can know, they cannot bring themselves to obey. They aren’t capable of pulling the intellect off the throne and letting the Spirit rule. They spend their lives frustrated by that haunting sense they don’t quite get it, though most refuse to acknowledge that disquieting voice. I’ve seen it up close in the lives of those who tried to teach me.

You won’t catch me pretending to understand it better than they, but I am at peace in a sense they never were. It nearly drove me over the edge, but I forced my intellect to kneel before the Spirit. Then I spent years studying what it should mean to my mind, teaching my mind how to obey its Master. The Master has chosen to reveal Himself in the guise of an Ancient Near Eastern sheikh. He persists in operating in that fashion, not because He’s play acting, but because the ANE sheikh is actually the closest earthly expression of how God Himself operates. Deconstructing the symbolic image of the sheikh won’t help much, because the context of truth and revelation remains inside the image. There is no “objective reality” to abstract from it. That is, whatever the symbol points to is well beyond the intellect. This is as close as the human mind can come to the truth.

A critical element in this parabolic image is that God’s Justice is entirely personal and it is always contextual. It cannot be systemic; it cannot be organized and institutionalized. For the sake of our mind’s ability to operate, there are some things which appear universal, some things which are always a sin in every context. By the same token, there are some contexts where nothing can be good or right. That’s a little more complicated to explain to the mind, but still quite simple in spiritual terms. If the system itself is built on falsehood, then the system cannot produce good. Individuals within the system can do justice and reap God’s blessings, but the people with actual authority in such a system will always be cursed because of their commitment to the lie. There is a sense in which powerless cynicism can put you in the place of God’s mercy.

That powerless righteous cynicism is about all that’s left to Christian Mystics in America right now. God’s wrath still has to fall on the system, but the Lamb’s Blood on the doorpost of your life can still keep you from suffering the full effects of His wrath as His hand passes.

It helps if your expectations are realistic. A major element in God’s moral imperative within this fallen realm is not being so hung up on a false mythology. The Western mythology of “justice in the end” will lead you to expect something God simply doesn’t do, and never has done. It might sound like something you read in the Bible, but that’s because you take literally something that was parabolic.

Western intellectual culture has tried to bury the entire concept of parable, and very few people in the West understand it at all. It’s more of that confusion of the Two Realms, of attempting to make literal something which is symbolic. Symbolism in that sense is not allegory. Stop trying to process it at this level. Recognize that the truth is above this realm and above the intellect, that it is far more complex than any human intellect can ever hope to grasp. But it still affects us here, so we struggle to catch a glimpse of something on which we can act. Yes, if your spirit is awakened, your spirit will understand perfectly well, but your mind cannot hope to do more than listen when your spirit guides through contextual convictions.

When you get past the mythology of expecting your mind to get it, and you are prepared for your mind simply to read the necessities of the context and obey with flexibility and faith, then you realize something virtually the entire world cannot get. You are in a position to understand God’s wrath will not be complete this time around. That is, when His Justice falls on America, the entire collection of evil psychopaths will not simply be destroyed or disabled so we can get a clean sheet of paper on which to design a new system. In every turnover and transition between governmental systems, even when things were catastrophic, the same evil class of psychopaths were around to reassert their will in whatever new system was built. God is not going to cleanse the slate just yet.

Don’t pin your hopes on God’s wrath removing our criminal ruling class. His wrath will fall, but because He uses an agent for His wrath — Satan — it’s not going to turn out beautiful. It will simply be a very big mess. If you can’t quite get your head around this as the true manifestation of God’s Justice working in this context, then you cannot understand anything that matters. You cannot demand God meet your logical expectations. The imagery of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” is the Second Coming, the day of Final Judgment of All Things. We aren’t there yet. God’s cleansing wrath is not coming in fullness, so the transition will not be complete. The destruction will be wide spread and deep, but not complete. It will not be what Western minds think of as poetic justice except in a few isolated cases.

God reserves the authority to choose who will be wiped away, who will be disciplined and who will be left to recover their evil plans. Get it through your thick mind: God is in control of the political landscape. He tolerated a measure of evil and ignorance in ancient times to suit His inscrutable purposes, and that hasn’t changed. His plans are beyond us. Even when the prophets spoke of things He would do, it was always a matter of only what the people needed to know to be obedient to their calling. Let’s train our minds to hear what Jesus said and what it should mean to us. He promised we would always be in a position to please the Father if we learn to desire that.

Please, please: Stop this blasphemous lie that Christ came to change the politics of this world. His Kingdom is not of this world — how hard is that to understand? The only way that will change is when we see the New Heaven and New Earth. When that happens you will surely know, because there will be a new you in a new kind of body. Your fallen intellect will be redeemed and your spirit and mind will cooperate without the blinding curtain of the fall. If you want a real political change, it will require you go back and get a college degree in tribal social structures because that is the only political system God will prosper. If you aren’t willing to live under the Law Covenants literally, don’t expect God to work in your human politics. The real truth of the matter is that’s how churches are supposed to be organized, but I don’t expect to ever see that in my lifetime. Enough for now that you simply understand secular human politics is not your concern, beyond watching and commenting intelligently from a prophetic viewpoint. You probably have enough on your plate simply obeying the immediate demands of the Spirit.

You must seize the faith that you will have enough to obey in what matters, and the rest is probably not nearly as important as you imagine.

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