We Got Issues

Issues-based politics, and its whore, issues-based religion, manifest one of the greatest sins of Western Civilization.

The Bible takes an organic approach. Issues are already settled because they don’t arise except as anomalies. Folks, the fundamental nature of government is exercising the authority to decide things that affect you because you aren’t living in isolation. Biblical Law permits anyone who rejects the system to flee and get outside the system. However, seeking to change the system under which everyone else lives could rightly get you killed. As previously noted, the key element in Biblical Law is always social stability achieved and maintained through adherence to God’s Justice.

Yes, it’s a closed loop in the sense God requires us to keep social stability as He defines it by the means He provides. His Law sometimes openly states what it is we must prevent, sometimes explains what detailed problem in human nature requires a particular form of restraint, but for the most part it simply commands a certain lifestyle. Only an idiot assumes that lifestyle is confined to the external details expressed under the Covenant of Moses. The ANE approach was to abstract from the particulars so you can understand fundamentals, with the expectation you’ll never really get it just perfect. The core of all this is a personal commitment to a real and living divine Person. It’s meant to be dynamic, not static.

While the words say, “Embrace His revelation,” the underlying meaning is, “Embrace your Creator.” Since that is beyond the capability of the human mind, His Person is revealed in the guise of His Laws. While society and technology drift along in seemingly random directions, the underlying truth of human failure and need, and the underlying demand for justice, remains eternally the same because it is not rooted in this universe. We don’t make adjustments to the underlying truth of what we are, nor what we need to live in this fallen world. Perception may change and we are warned endlessly that human weakness is always seeking any excuse to demand things it should not have.

Pick an issue. God has already said what He requires; raising it as some “new” issue and calling it “injustice” has no bearing on what God demands.

Something continually thrust in my face these days is the law and social expectations regarding homosexuals. No matter how I respond, someone is going to offended, because God’s Word tends to piss off most of humanity at any given time. Your argument is with Him, not me. I’m merely reporting what I have experienced in His Presence.

We have no basis in our Western democratic laws for making homosexual conduct illegal. The modern state has nothing to do with morality; it uses various flavors of moral philosophy as cynical propaganda to maintain however much control makes the government officials comfortable in any given context. There is no fundamental morality anywhere in the system. There is some shallow pretense of responding to the will of the people, but the actuality behind that seldom rises to such a standard. The real question is what the officials in power can get away with before the someone manages to kill them.

In other words, nothing in the modern state finds God’s favor. He’ll use it, but not because He likes it. It offers no reference at all to His revelation and various pronouncements about what is moral and just. People who grow up under the modern secular state cannot even comprehend God’s Justice without first divorcing themselves from their cultural and intellectual assumptions. Western Christians demanding the state make homosexual conduct illegal is an abomination to God; it is not what He commanded of His people. The modern secular state is inherently unjust and evil in God’s eyes from start to finish.

All of that has nothing to do with the unalterable assertion in God’s Law that homosexuality is sin. It will forever remain a symbol of rejecting God’s Justice, of rejecting His provisions for meeting very real human need. There is only one setting in which God will bless the enforcement against homosexual conduct, and that is in the tribal social structure. If your family-clan-tribe make no provision for preventing sexual perversion, they have poked God in the eye. It’s okay if they simply kick you out, but if they let you stay while you continue pursuing what the Bible clearly says is sexual perversion, they place themselves altogether under the same curse that applies to the perversion. If you refuse to take it outside the family circle, they must kill you or face God’s wrath.

That was the meaning of making it a capital crime under the Law of Moses. Within that particular social structure, where law enforcement, such as it was, took place under the active authority of the family ruling elder and his counselors, what the Covenant called “perverted sexual behavior” must be stopped. If the perpetrators won’t take it outside the realm of the family’s authority, they have chosen to die, because their perversion threatens God’s blessing and their social stability. God said that. Using any violent force to compel the family-clan-tribe to accept your perversion also makes it wholly just in His eyes to kill you and everyone working with you. There may be any number of reasons God won’t let His people do that, but in terms of His revealed justice, it is wholly just for the righteous to kill those who demand that the righteous engage in sin.

It is blasphemous to suggest God might have changed His mind about these things. His revelation prohibiting homosexual conduct is based on eternal principle, not a passing fashion and delusion of people who presumed falsely to speak for some tribal god. As a prophet of Jehovah, I warn anyone who adopts such filthy nonsense: God will not ignore your sin. You are rejecting Him, not some quaint archaic social custom. That has nothing to do with the question of secular state legislation. So long as I am stuck in these United States under this abominable secular state, I have to vote with those who say we should remove the legal barriers to gays. That’s because this whole nation is built on lies from Satan and the sooner it collapses under the weight of its vast sins before God, the better things will be in this world.

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2 Responses to We Got Issues

  1. Michael says:

    Agreed with this, Ed. 100%.

    One caveat: “So long as I am stuck in these United States under this abominable secular state, I have to vote with those who say we should remove the legal barriers to gays.”

    Why? If you acknowledge the illegitimacy of the state why participate in their sacrament of ‘voting’? I assume you’re speaking rhetorically, but… Anyway, what is “legal”? Are man’s laws Law, or God’s?

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Yes, “voting” as a figure of speech. I have withdrawn as much as possible from the civil sacraments. I admit to using the term “legal” flexibly, but for the most part only in reference to human laws. With God’s Laws, I tend to use the term “just” or “justice.”

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