Blogroll Changes

Should you imagine there could be some benefit or justification for it, I’m opening the blogroll there to the right.

In keeping with my theme of the mystic shepherd serving the Lord, those of you wishing to nominate your own or other blogs should consider what is on and off topic here. For the idiots passing by: It’s not a popularity contest! It’s also not for marketing. I’ll inspect nominations and you shouldn’t take it as a personal insult if I don’t accept it.

I’m not breaking it into headings just yet, but there are categories I’ll use internally. Some folks have taken the time to create warmth between themselves and me. That will be in the “friends” category. Others might share my interests in matters of faith, religion and mysticism (if you don’t recognize the differences between those terms, you don’t get it yet). Those would be “associates”. Perhaps your affinity here is just psychology. This is not exactly a Linux blog, and certainly not a Windows fan site. I’m not above shifting to BSD or something else when it seems appropriate for the hardware and uses I have in computer ownership. It’s my one best tool for carrying out what is for now the central core of my ministry. However, wider concerns of computer security might qualify for an “associate” listing, but only if I get the sense you read my stuff regularly. You don’t have to be a subscriber, but if you are familiar with my work here, I’m sure you’ll know how to make your nominations.

Just as a reminder to all and sundry: The blogroll is not limited to specifically Christian blogs and other religions are not excluded.

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4 Responses to Blogroll Changes

  1. Thank you for still keeping me on your blogroll.

  2. Thanks for including me in your blogroll Ed.

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