Quantum Morality

Refer to the previous blog posts on Quantum Reality, and on the Psychology of Hearing from God.

Christian Mystics are facing multiple conflicting streams of consciousness. It’s worse if you haven’t been at it long, because you are still dragging around a bunch of leftover Western assumptions. It’s bad enough when you understand Hebrew morality pretty well. The peace of God’s morality is one thing, far removed from Western Christianity; the peace of His living Spirit is another.

We have a strong body of moral wisdom in God’s Laws. The Law Covenants — Noah and Moses — (AKA “Laws” with a capital “L”) do a good job of explaining things from a human standpoint, but they assume a Hebrew mystical intellectual background. Once you absorb the mystical morality behind the Law Covenants, you begin to operate on a fairly high level. But Jesus warned us that isn’t the same as walking in the Spirit. The Laws allow one standard of moral behavior, but the Spirit holds forth a yet higher demand. We want His peace, but we want even more to participate in His glory. Nothing in the Laws is ever wrong, but it may leave you somewhere short of His glory. Recognizing this requires quantum reasoning.

Humans can generally succeed with God’s justice by the Laws. It has enough room to make mistakes and come back and repent. You aren’t expected to be perfect in any Western sense. You are expected to be perfect in the sense of maturity about your own weaknesses. Humans cannot rise to the higher spiritual standards even with the purest motives. The Spirit empowers us to see and desire that higher level, and God works through our desire to bring some semblance of it, but it’s not the same thing. It’s still a matter of being mature enough to know you’ll fail, but the internal demands for holiness are far higher.

The spiritual level is far more nuanced and depends on a living connection to the Spirit that simply isn’t possible on the human level of good Hebrew morality. Under the Laws, you have to run through a ritual to get a word from God on something specific. In Christ, we generally get it directly without all the rigmarole. It does take some time to learn and get used to, but it’s the norm for those operating in the Spirit.

Let’s pick on an obvious example. Under the Law Covenants, you are justified in resisting violently any attack on your family. You may suffer certain tactical limitations, but the general rule is: If you feel moved to try it, do so. It’s your duty and you should expect God’s moral fabric to support it. Yes, that includes resisting Child Protective Services and shooting cops who would kidnap your children. Again, it might be tough to pull off, but there’s no moral prohibition. As a general principle, we know God says He doesn’t support any agency interfering with the family, and any government that does is illegitimate in His eyes.

In the Spirit, you’ll have a different set of considerations. First, you’ll be more likely to know beforehand if there is likely to be any trouble. The entire context of spiritual operation raises your level of awareness to a higher plane, directly or in the company of other spiritual folk. You’ll also have that element of faith not quite possible under the Law. People under the Law do trust God, but the trust is pre-programmed, as it were. In the Spirit, you get a live connection and you’ll be told where to invest your faith against human odds. It’s never against the Laws, but sometimes requires a different action than mere Laws suggest. You are more likely to avoid trouble by making adjustments in faith that someone under the Laws would never think about.

What rips most of us apart is the confusion of having both of those running through our heads at the same time. Western minds revolt at quantum parallel reasoning. Having a firm grip on biblical morality and on spiritual operations can make you feel of two minds. Both are morally correct, but the spiritual level is obviously preferred. Still, you’ll find yourself sometimes in the grip of some strong impulses that are merely a matter of Laws. Nor is this a matter of success on the human level. The Laws bring optimal human life. Operating in the Spirit can end your life more quickly, but if so, you should welcome the call Home, something missing from the Laws. Spiritual guided minds pretty much stand ready to die any time; with a little work, they stand ready for just about anything short of death.

It was a tall order for Gentiles becoming Christians. They became aware of the Spirit Realm first, then had to go back and learn the morality. The Laws formed a repository of examples which they were to abstract on the spiritual-mystical plane of thought — “rightly dividing” what was their Bible then, the Old Testament. They still had a lot moral habits of mind to change, with a lot of consequent changes in lifestyle. But they were free to discover the ultimate gift of God for living on this earth in their current context. It’s an even taller order for we who are born two millennia later in the West.

Everything in our society militates against both Laws and Spirit.

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