Troll Notice

Sadly, I have to do this again. My regular readers can ignore this post.

I don’t feed trolls. If your comments seem to be somewhat on topic, I may elect to answer even rude crap. If you make it plain your only purpose is to annoy, I’ll just delete your comments. I’ve placed at the top a few tabs to extra pages to explain myself; they are neither hard to find, nor too long, nor too much to ask.

The most annoying thing is the misplaced sense of entitlement some people bring. This is not a public accommodation; I don’t have to post your comments. The second most annoying thing is the intellectual dishonesty of presuming to argue something I never said. You know, that search function does help you find out what I might have said on things already. Please don’t assume I’m going to defend mainstream Christianity or whatever you imagine I ought to believe.

I have brother who is atheist; we get along just fine. I have some regulars who are varying flavors of atheist, agnostic, pagan, and all sorts of sectarian Christian viewpoints. Some of them are genuine good people I’m proud to have as friends. I sincerely wish I had a chance to meet the folks represented on my blogroll. A difference of opinion is not a problem here; I’ve allowed plenty of comments disputing something I’ve posted. You should feel welcome to ask questions; even some of the rude personal stuff might end up germane to my message.

But I won’t feed trolls.

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