Yakking About Racism

Like anything else, if there’s money to be made, the problem will never be solved.

Yes, I’ve faced racial prejudice. I’ve been subjected to mistreatment because of my race. I’ve been physically attacked for the color of my skin. I’m still here and it didn’t cause any lasting psychic damage. I consider it one of the basic hazards of living in this world.

Don’t try to tell me about institutionalized racism and recompense and all that other crap. If any of that could lead to a solution, it would have all ended long ago. Real solutions are hindered because some folks are making big money off of keeping the problem alive, and the biggest money makers are those who claim to be victims.

First, you cannot end racism. That’s a human trait and it will be here as long as there are rainbows in the sky. It won’t matter if you like it or not; casting a moral disapproval on it changes nothing. The solution is to acknowledge it as a human trait and work around it.

Second, you cannot change any individual attitudes by external force. As long as you take offense that someone somewhere hates you, there will never be an end to your sorrows. There is no basic human right to be loved.

Third, the real issue has nothing to do with character. In random terms, nobody gives a damn about your character nor your skin color. What they hate is the radical difference in culture that leads to offensive behavior. Deal with that issue and almost everything else becomes tolerable. Of course, that will never happen. Part of our cultural training is creating behavior patterns intended to give offense. The political bullshit specifically creates tension on purpose to insure no one ever really thinks about what can be done.

We’ve been trained to demand the impossible without anyone permitted to realize it’s impossible. We aren’t permitted to think it, much less say it. I’m saying it: The standard demands are impossible. They are evil because they conflict with God’s Laws as He revealed them. I can back that up but nobody cares.

I’ve yet to see a single political remedy that would actually do any good. Building a subculture of fear and intimidation is no answer to a culture of fear and intimidation. We all know it’s wrong, but nobody much wants to say it. Funny how we can individually sit down and talk about it and get to real answers for ourselves when we want to, but you’ll never see that in the public square. The laws are carefully crafted to keep things ugly.

The leadership in all this noise is making millions and billions from telling lies.

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