The Heresy of the Individual

Let’s drive a stake through the heart of this vampire and expose the corpse to the sunlight so it can’t come back.

Only in Western social mythology do we have the false god of the Great Man. In the Bible, everyone serves someone. The fundamental frame of reference for human society is the ANE feudal family. Not “the group” — that’s nasty old communism, a poor substitute for God’s revealed truth. It’s the extended family household. Valor is always in the name of some other greater person to whom you are related in some way — kinfolk. Some silly notion of serving in the name of disembodied virtue — liberty, freedom, etc. — is pure bullshit. It’s not in the Bible. The bottom line is God is the your Divine Sheikh and you are either family or a slave, but you will serve Him whether you know it or not.

You will bow the knee sooner or later. Meanwhile, here on earth there is no sin in bowing the knee to select people whom God has granted authority over you. That’s how it works. Pay your taxes because it’s just money. If you feel the Spirit leading you to resist, first kiss your ass goodbye because that’s what it takes. If you fear for your life, you are not serving God and you can’t be on His court staff. Your life is just one more disposable asset and you should be glad to see it end when God says time is up.

A close friend of this vampire is the snowflake. Oh, so precious and individual, yet it cannot stand the light of day any better than a vampire. When things get warm, the snowflake melts and is forgotten. Whatever you might accomplish as an individual human is nothing in the first place. Only what you invest in eternity matters, and eternity is all about God’s family. So when someone talks about all the anecdotes seeking to prove exceptions to the rules, I’m ever ready to assert the truth and justice of God. It’s one thing to know God calls you individually and may lead you far, far away from the crowd. I’m there, I assure you. But that’s not the same as defying all the basic norms of what God revealed in His Law Covenants. The Law stood before we came and will operate long after we disappear, until Christ returns. If you don’t have a clue about the norms, you cannot claim faith to find your own individual application.

Please, brothers and sisters in the Lord, stop the snowflaking. Rid your minds of the idolatry of the individual. God does not work that way, and you call down His wrath on your life when you cling to that mythology.

If you don’t know God’s moral laws, you can’t walk with Christ.

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