The Coming Hand of Wrath

Americans are headed for some very rough times.

I keep saying that because the Lord keeps His prophetic warning to me very sharp and fresh. For example, our federal government as we now know it will be gone. Our economy will go way down; we’ll also have a lot of natural disasters and plenty of sorrows simply unexplained. I have no idea what comes after that; I suppose God figures we wouldn’t believe it if He told us. At any rate, that’s not the point. The point is what we can do to get ready. It’s the same thing we should be doing regardless of what’s coming.

I’ve written several books to address the bigger picture of discerning God’s revelation on living a good moral life. I’ve done my best to portray it as something fundamental to how the universe operates. If you live as best you can by God’s moral character, you should expect things to be as good as it can be in this life. All Creation responds to someone trying to embrace God’s revelation because His moral justice is woven into the very fabric of reality.

God revealed Himself within a Hebrew intellectual background that He built by His own hand. That Hebrew mindset is part of the revelation itself. If you can’t bring yourself to think Hebrew style, if you can’t embrace the distinctly different way Hebrew people understood reality itself, you don’t have much clue what God had to say. If you don’t understand the concept of ANE feudal social structure and mystical reasoning, you don’t understand the Bible.

I keep trying to warn people that genuine faith is neither liberal nor conservative, that all of our various American viewpoints on morality are uniformly false. That’s because America is the quintessential Western nation, the epitome of all the evil packaged in Western Civilization. It won’t matter if you are morally progressive or reactionary against the background of American moral choices; you are wrong for holding to any part of the spectrum. Being Western is inherently alien and evil to God’s moral standards.

Nor do I have much nice to say about any part of Western Christian religion. If your religious background includes any European influence, it’s a failure. Yes, I really do mean that. It means you really neither understand what God has said, nor can you claim to have fulfilled the Great Commission because you aren’t teaching what Jesus taught. Jesus was a Hebrew man who thought and taught Hebrew thinking, and no part of European Church History is Hebrew.

Nor is any part of Judaism as we know it. It was European a couple of centuries before Jesus was born, having bought into the Greek philosophers’ logic. So if you support modern Israel, you are in deep doo-doo with God. He doesn’t support it because they reject His moral law with a hateful prejudice I don’t have words to describe. If Israel refuses to live by the Law of Moses, and do so as Jesus taught it, they can’t claim God’s favor under any covenant. The teachings of Christ were the final capstone of revelation regarding the Covenant of Moses (among other things).

So if you are guilty of any of that sin, all this nastiness God is pouring out on the West in general, and America in particular, is going to hit you square in the face. You’ll be standing right in the middle of the flood of wrath and you’ll never have a clue why.

Now, I want you to understand something: God always reveals Himself in such a way that any person is still free to ignore Him. Every miracle, were you to have seen all those He ever did with your own eyes, would have a plausible deniability built into it. That’s how God works. How do you think Israel managed to forget crossing the sea on dry ground? How do you think they managed to disobey right there in the shadow of the Pillar of Smoke? God does not force any mind to accept truth. Even after you are born again, you retain some freedom to reject His message.

So the wrath that is coming will be wholly consistent with His moral justice, about which virtually no American Christian has any clue. They’ll be exercising their various flavors of Western reasoning and maybe some big doses of emotion, but they’ll mistake a lot of things for having other causes. They’ll see things like whole major facilities destroyed and wonder how God could tear up His own real estate. They’ll never understand how that facility was never important to Him and He may not have spent too much time there in the first place. There will be a tremendous amount of confusion about all this, particularly among Christians. These poor souls will make a whole lot of wrong decisions because they won’t understand what God thinks morality looks like.

A tiny handful will be a good bit closer to the moral fabric of the universe. They’ll touch the hem of God’s garment and be saved — as much as He’s going to save anyone at all. Granted, there will be a seeming randomness that defies even the best biblical understanding; Job found that out. Still, for the most part, those few who cling to the Hebrew understanding of His Word will miss out on all the fun. They’ll be protected from the worst of it. It will be consistent enough that, if you are paying attention, you’ll see it. God will pass over some and spare them His wrath.

There’s no pride in that. I’d be all too happy sharing my spot with you. Even if I get clobbered it won’t change anything. I have that peace you can’t wipe away even in death. However, I have a strong sense I’ll ride this out in style.

Okay, so don’t believe me; it’s not my problem.

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