Germanizing Religion

The expression of it ranges from the revolting “Aryan Jesus” to the far more common trends in Western Christianity, but the Germanic heathen influence on Christianity is all one package.

The door stood wide open after a significant number of rabbinical students embraced Hellenism during the Third Century BC. Replacing the Hebrew mystical approach with Aristotelian epistemology could not avoid drifting into legalism. God granted a law code and rituals in this Fallen Realm to point the soul back toward the Spirit Realm, but men could not resist the temptation to reverse the pointers. For them, the parable became the truth itself, and the symbol became the ultimate reality. There was no faith, only religion, trying to capture God and imprison Him in this realm. So they thought they had answered the challenge of Jesus by killing Him, but succeeded only in fulfilling His destiny and releasing Him to become Lord of all.

However many counterfeits as it takes to distract humanity, Satan will sponsor them all.

The Judaizers were more successful than anyone wants to admit. They pulled the new Christian religion back down to an earthly ritualism and highly institutionalized structure with an official orthodoxy. Gone was the simplicity of Hebrew mystical faith that lasted just a few years after the death of the last apostle. This was the first step. Once Christianity was tied to a fully human political structure, it was easy to bind it to Constantine’s political plans. When the politicized church had fully compromised with human politics, it proved the ultimate political power and withstood much of the Germanic conquest of Europe. But standing meant compromising yet again, and the Church fully embraced the German tribal mythology. So the Church was Germanized while German mythology and culture were sanctioned as sacred by the Church.

In many ways the Third Reich was a valid expression of where it was all headed. To this day modern Germany still clings to a very large core of Nazi Era law and custom. That it may not be the will of the mass of German citizens is precisely the point; German tribal custom had always been elitist. The entire gamut of abuses heaped on peasants in the Middle Ages was a glorious realization of the very fundamental morality of German culture. The very existence of institutional authority in the hands of any brand of clergy is directly related to German tradition. The pretense of superiority of clergy over secular leadership simply shows how the Church got her licks in first by embracing the system early. The clergy wrote the rules. They may have lost their political secular vestments over the centuries, but their very real power over human political activity is now greater than ever. Modern Western churches of every stripe are nothing more than another face of the Nazi Party.

Western Christianity draws almost nothing from the faith taught by Jesus the Hebrew. They use His words, yes, but avoid the full impact of what they were supposed to mean. Until the churches shed this cultural cloak from the German nomadic tribes, they will offer precious little of God’s glory to human eyes. What we have now is not the inevitable and natural result of the first century followers of Jesus. The two are so alien you could count on Christians nailing Jesus to the Cross again with even greater alacrity and brutality.

Do you suppose the Aryan brand of Christianity is so repugnant? Do you think Ruckmanites are crazy? Do you shudder at the legalistic silliness of Jack Chick’s tracts? It’s all one thing, and your mainstream Western Christian church is just another flavor of the same crap. It’s a difference only of degree, not of nature. The ANE Mystical Christian approach is not to tear it all down, but to simply not take it so seriously. The structures will all collapse in due time, but the otherworldly focus of genuine Christian faith isn’t locked up in any human expression of religious fervor. Recognize it for what it is and keep your hands to your divine spiritual calling. Detach yourself from the institutional church. You can’t remake society, but you don’t have to let it own you.

Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking any one Western religious expression is morally superior to what we now declaim as the worst excesses, because it all plots on the same scale of lies.

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