Moral Rewiring Job

Most people are morally wired like children.

In the past I’ve mentioned the Delphi Method for destroying opposition to radical changes in a system. It’s the sort of discrete and scientific method you would expect from Pavlovian folks, never mind that it has worked quite well in the past. The only reason Pavlov’s theories are still around is because they do tend to work somewhat. Behavior Modification is not actually an explanation, though; it’s a set of methods with varying levels of effectiveness.

The reason those methods tend to work is because so very many people are down on that level of operation. I’ve also discussed often and at length how the plutocrats have worked hard to put us there. Still, a few of us manage to escape. Some portion of humanity will always progress through the stages of moral development until they come relatively close to adulthood and independent moral reasoning of the sort that gives us folks who aren’t at war with the rest of humanity or reality.

From the earliest writings of ancient civilizations we see that rulers have always been aware of how easy it is to manipulate those with moral weakness. They were morally children in adult bodies with adult skills and knowledge. More than one ancient ruler sought to reduce his people to such a state for easier control. The only difference nowadays is the technology involved. Instead of a broad general moral awareness, we have it nailed down to a fine science of action-reaction. Except we don’t; it only appears so.

The Delphi Method was developed by RAND back when I was born. As the research into such methods progressed, it become more and more institutionalized until we now see people using this form of manipulation instinctively. It has never been more effective, because it’s wired into the subconscious assumptions about how things ought to be done. I seriously doubt the people who used it on me even knew what it was called. There is a defense to the specific method itself. If you generalize about the moral implications, then you can apply the same defense to all forms of manipulation. The key is to always expect it and not be caught off guard. Manipulation is most effective when it comes as a surprise. Return the favor and turn the tables on someone using it against you. If nothing else, make a fool of them before they can finish making a fool of you.

If your defense is as wired into your subconscious as the attack is, you’ll do just fine. But that’s a tall order for most folks. At the very least, you should be ready to call attention to the technique in such a way the abuser can’t shoot it down. That’s the most honest defense because it gives others involved a clue. A critical element in the foundation of moral maturity is giving folks a clue, and chance to evaluate independently. When you point out manipulation, it’s almost the same as breaking chains of deception and setting people free. This is the precise opposite of what folks using manipulation would want.

Moral wisdom is more than simple freedom of the will; it’s informed freedom. It’s a freedom that takes full responsibility for choices, with all their consequences, implications and fallout. That’s what we want for everyone. The epitome of moral failure is passing the buck, dodging the generic suffering that is simply a part of human life. You catch this best in the reasoning of irresponsible people who operate from the assumption that every need simply must be met, especially if it is their own need. “Well, I must have this and someone else has to cough it up.” Thus, they act as if they have a claim on your personal resources. They simply assume that claim and accuse you of truculence for failing to recognize what seems so obvious to them.

The reason people in the New Testament withdrew just a bit from the wider society and spent time inside their church family huddle was to counter all this awful conditioning. It’s quite hard to get folks weaned from this dependent behavior because it’s so very deeply wired into their minds. You have surely met people for whom you were forced to conclude there was no hope for them; I know I have. These are folks we allow to hang around so long as they aren’t actually disruptive, but if their demands become a problem, we ostracize them justly. The Body of Christ needs to embrace and absorb His Justice to the point it’s the very wiring of their minds. The intellect must be trained to serve and obey the Spirit, and do so by reflex. This is the Law of God.

We are called to push through the layers of moral immaturity until we become adults.

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