Admin: Static Site Going Away

The time has come to recognize that most of what is on my old static site (closed as of 2020) no longer reflects where I am today. If you know there is something there you use, make your personal copy now. I’ll be leaving only a few of the current articles.

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2 Responses to Admin: Static Site Going Away

  1. But ALL of your articles make good sense, even if a few of them (only a few) are not easy for me to understand or agree with. Won’t you consider leaving a bit more than a few, like a kind of legacy snapshot? I think your articles make more sense with repeat readings and the younger people should have the opportunity to read them and agree/disagree.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Thanks you, sir. But some of that stuff is really old in the sense it no longer reflects my current position. I’ve gotten emails from people who stumbled across that old stuff, some of it going back more than a decade, and had to explain it’s not what I believe any more. So I’m dumping that stuff. Anything that has been published in my books is now more accessible than ever, so I’m removing the earlier, less polished versions from that site. What will be left is more current and unsuitable for books. Frankly, this blog has a whole lot more than was on that old site.

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