Static Site Changed

My old static website, Kiln of the Soul (closed as of 2020), is now in its new form.

All the archives are now backed up on my system and on a couple of external storage devices. They are still available, but the emphasis has changed. Folks, I’m only doing what I sense is required by my God, so don’t get too exited.

The change in emphasis is probably subtle to most readers. Previously I had hoped to build a religious community locally, even if somewhat scattered. However, it comes to me that was a pipe dream in our current social context. Rather, the whole focus of my religious calling is more online. People who embrace any part of what I teach are on their own in meat space, though we can certainly share and fellowship online.

So it remains now to develop ways to make the best of that online connection, and not give too much emphasis to meat space until something happens to change the fake structure on which the current mainstream expressions of Christian religion rest. In a certain sense, the means to fellowship that work best online will also become the soul of what we should and could have in meat space. It’s not that there can be no fellowship with Christians who don’t understand things the way I do, but that it will not be a major focus. For the most part, they aren’t ready for it. They need time and the hand of God.

I’m sure I’ll add more material to the site to address blind spots I can’t put into book form. What can be made into an ebook will go up on the Smashwords account. Thanks for your support, folks.

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