Network of Souls

If my religion is called “Kiln of the Soul,” then any covenant community of faith arising from that religion should be called the “Network of Souls.”

I’ve offered discussion of DIY Religion in general and DIY Christianity. Both are tightly connected to the existence of a global communications network.

While I prefer using the Internet directly and can’t really afford the smartphone type of networking, that doesn’t mean my ideas exclude either. It’s not the physical network itself nor the protocols. The whole thing is bound up in the existence of any networking at all. It’s a virtual community of faith. It transcends all the old habits and definitions of “church” as commonly conceived in Western minds. As noted on my “About” page, my shepherd’s calling is tied directly to the Internet. While I will take full advantage of the peculiarities of the Internet, it won’t take much to find parallels in other forms of networking.

As I also noted on my “About” page, this is not an exclusive covenant. I’m simply extending to you what God has granted to me. To the degree you want to participate, do so. Choose how much pastoral care and religious instruction you need — we each have our own individual calling. If you read these words anywhere in any way at all, my prayers cover you. To the degree you participate in what I teach, you claim the blessings I talk about as pouring out from God’s justice.

I lack the arrogance to imagine I could shape the nascent Networking Civilization I see arising. Rather, I see myself as a conscious participant in what others simply assume without conscious thought. It’s already here, but most folks aren’t thinking about it. The Internet is not about what is transmitted, but the capability itself. For the first time in human existence, it is possible to contact any other human on the planet within a truly short time frame, often instantaneously. As we progress toward universal live communication, it will change how people think and operate.

Theorists talk about human evolution. It won’t matter what happens to our bodies; we have already changed much since ancient times. DNA has drifted, but within certain boundaries. Nor will it matter if human intelligence evolves. We are fallen creatures, and more of the same won’t change anything that matters. What will evolve most is human consciousness. Western Civilization was a failed experiment. For just a brief time in human history, we refused to take full advantage of our meager human talent for thought. Now the quantum logic of ancient times is making a comeback. The old binary thought processes are being left in the dust. The Network is changing humanity, and it’s up to us to seize the opportunity.

Welcome to the Network of Souls.

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