Quantum Missionary

Quantum reasoning allows us to integrate fully our personality and character even as we operate on multiple levels in differing contexts. It takes away the Western compartmentalization that leads to neuroses and schizophrenia.

The very same mystical ethics that keep me from political activism in meat space makes me also quite activist online. Even online, my activism is muted to provoking others to the same divine justice as carries me through this life.

Today I went jogging. Do you know what a grand miracle that is? In my youth I ran all the time, but it’s been a couple of years since I last was able to do that. My knees and hips have long complained of simple walking, to the point I have at times used a wheelchair. After working very hard for some weeks, I have gained enough strength in the joints to bear the jolting, at least for a time. It wasn’t so much a conscious goal, as if I could have been running all along, but a happy result of doing everything else I am supposed to do. I’ll take it as a marvelous gift and enjoy the warmth while the sun shines. In accordance with God’s command to me personally, I’ll strive to keep up the sort of activity that makes it possible. If there is one thing in my life approaching addiction, it’s that old runner’s high.

In virtual space, my addiction is harder to define in English. There comes those moments when something I write and post on this blog leaves me physically shaken. Something in my spirit confirms to me I have broken through yet another barrier, shattered one more bar on the prison of my soul. It’s wholly unlikely many of you, dear readers, will feel the same thing reading those posts. I’ve gotten some pretty strong reactions to the most routine posts, and sometimes dead silence from something that thunders in soul — not so much as a “like” here or on Facebook.

The mechanisms and tools for this aren’t that important. They are good tools, but in themselves mean nothing without the mission and use. The Internet has been a pretty important tool. However, far more important is the fact itself of communicating with folks I’ll probably never see in the flesh. And not just sharing a few ideas, but it’s the ability to offer some inspiration that helps you climb out of this world.

Yes, I love this laptop because it’s much easier for my body; my fingers and hands work best in this position, leaned back in my office chair. I love running Debian on it. It came with Windows 8, which I cannot bear. I’ve tried Scientific Linux 6, Xubuntu 12.04 and Windows 7 (better writing software) on it, but none of them had the full range of drivers that work that well. Nothing else I might try appeals to me, so it’s Debian. My desktop is a much more powerful machine, but there’s no way I can sit this comfortably for long periods while using it. Besides, I can take this with me on those days when the other occupants of this house and mobile home park make it difficult to write. No, it’s not the best choice in every way, but it’s the least painful for the way I write.

There are probably better blogging platforms than WordPress, but I doubt they could offer the level of exposure I have here without paying money I don’t have to spend. There may be a better ISP than Cox, but testing all the offerings is itself a painful task that takes away from writing. Again, these are just tools, not my religion.

However, while not an activist in meat space, it waits only the necessity of fighting for me to become an Internet vigilante. Up to now, I’ve not seen any threats to my mission that can’t be easily handled on my end of things. I won’t hesitate to pirate any software I believe will work for me, as well as just about any other media available somewhere on the Net (just ask me privately if you are hunting something), though I try to use legitimate copies when I can get them. I generally prefer Open Source when it will serve the purpose, and I often recommend it to others. I’ll take the time to make things work better and publish the results of my hacking so others can benefit. All of this reflects my best understanding of God’s justice on the Net.

For the most part, it’s nothing more than assertively operating as my convictions demand. It makes running possible because God’s character in Creation backs it up, and it has made things work pretty well on the Net. I can’t tell you how to live; I can only tell you what God has shown me. I can declare what offers me a clear conscience and hope it helps you with your own.

The Net is not meat space, and the rules of one cannot apply to the other. When you embrace the reality of what things actually are, not what someone’s mythology demands, you find whatever you do is much more doable. That’s the whole point of quantum reasoning: Get the mission done.

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