Just a Little Reminder

The purpose of this blog is to provide a virtual pulpit.

I could have gotten that PhD; the scholarship was offered based on my undergraduate work. It’s not as if I can’t operate in the academic sphere. But that isn’t my world and certainly not my calling from God. At this point in my life, academia is no longer the siren call it was then. My mission is not possible in that setting.

As noted in the introduction to my book, my work is contributing to the collapse of Western Civilization. I’m pointing out that it’s all built on sand, not on the rock of Jesus and His teaching. That includes pouring out the water of the Spirit to wash away the unjustified trust in the likes of Aristotle and all the rest of the Western assertions and assumptions about reality. It’s all evil and it deserves God’s wrath.

That wrath is already in progress. I’m offering a warning to flee it while you can, lest your heart be turned to stone and your life buried under the rubble of destruction. It is not possible for me to do this by making an appeal to the intellect. About the only thing I can do with that is point out the exit. If your spirit is not afire with a desire to find something better, looking for that City Built on High, there’s not a thing I can do to help you. You might find me entertaining, and you are welcome to it, but I am addressing those who aren’t operating solely on the level of human intellect.

Sure, I’ll address more mundane topics, but always from the perspective of God’s moral character. I’m trying to point out what I see with spiritual eyes in those things. Sometimes a post is little more than a fairly simple discussion of computer technology stuff or maybe health and fitness, but always with a pastoral eye to making it easier for folks seeking to serve God. The underlying bedrock of moral commitment doesn’t change just because it’s draped in one fabric or another. In all these things I remain a committed Holy Ghost Christian Mystic.

My words here are parabolic, a mere indicator of something ineffable — the truth of God.

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