Some Gifts Here

Merry Christmas.

On the one hand, I would gladly suffer just about anything I can imagine if more people could see what I see in terms of moral truth. On the other hand, much of the moral power rests on taking a path quite remote from the rest of humanity. This world is fallen in the sense it defines human nature. Nothing we can do on this level will change that. The starting place in moral purity is accepting that as reality and building on it. The one most effective sacrifice has been made; it is the ultimate and definitive answer. You can join yourself to that sacrifice or you can do all manner of tail-chasing that accomplishes nothing of note. What happens here cannot ever matter unless it points to what awaits beyond the veil.

Built into this is a patient and indulgent cynicism. People could easily do better; it is wholly unlikely they will. Why? Wrong question. It just is.

Of necessity the things I do and promote will never be popular. Some elements may overlap what people embrace broadly, but they cannot see what I see. Thus, I may well take part in things like boycotts, but never for the same reasons as those who embody the thundering heard. We need to boycott YouTube because Google is heavy handed about kowtowing to the psychopaths who run the major media houses, and the folks who run Google have no intention of doing it right.

Don’t ever be fooled by Google’s self-serving propaganda; they are willing to tell you it’s raining while they piss on your head. Google holds out the promise of income sharing from ads on popular channels and viral videos, but then allows just about any of the big boys to steal that revenue by reflexively supporting false complaints — outright blatant lies — of IP violations. If you use Google anything you are surrendering to slavery. That doesn’t mean a legalistic prohibition against the few things they do well, but a general principle of not feeding their evil.

There is no threat to anyone’s advertising revenue from my use and teaching of ways to block advertising when I surf the Net. The mainstream of folks can’t be bothered. The very best measures are too obscure, a mixed approach of switching between web browsers depending on the kind of website. My primary motive is not some identifiable principle common to Western agitators, but simply a matter of my unwillingness to play by rules that don’t apply to me. There is no moral authority to compel me to absorb the poisonous lies called advertising. I’m willing to accept their bogus labeling of me as a parasite because I want the information on terms they refuse to offer. I hold the moral high ground, not them; they can go screw themselves. It’s not that I don’t care about them as people, but I can’t help them until they repent. Call it what you like but my spirit is at peace and my conscience is clear.

That my attitude comes from a rejection of this upstart, poor excuse for a civilization called “The West” means nothing to them. That I have a mass of academic material from Western scholars castigating the Western attitude means nothing to Western plutocrats. Tell me who is being arrogant here. God revealed the truth even as human life arose on this plane of existence, and humans rejected it. My efforts are entirely consistent and reasonable by the standards of logic and reason that have stood far longer than our little blip of time and space. My attitude is an expression of what God revealed, the One who made all this.

The entire universe is nothing more than a passing thing, a mere tool for His glory.

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