Truth and Humor

Humility generally means not taking yourself too seriously. Humility is the inheritance of not taking the rest of this fallen world too seriously. It stands on the ultimate importance of truth, something rooted outside this realm of existence. Truth cannot be found in this world, but it can be indicated. That’s the meaning of parable and symbolism. Truth is ineffable because it is the Person of God. So long as we are in a human form, we are simply another crazy character in this mad stage-play.

Such is the primary reason for the narrative of the Fall. What you have around you is inherently deceptive. To then build upon what man can come up with from his own resources in this world is building on sand. Sooner or later it will wash away and your house will fall. Building on the bedrock of truth takes a whole lot longer; you may never get very far, but at least it will still be there when time drifts along.

Thus, the core of humility is the image of mortality. If nothing else, an earthquake should be enough to humble you. Or a tsunami, or a meteorite, or just about any of the other calamities that befall humans beyond all human control. We are dust in the wind.

Humility cannot breed arrogance, but fools might not know the difference. That is, fools will mistake your comfort and self-confidence for arrogance. Let me offer a few proverbs…

Never accept a moral judgment against your sense of humor. Own it. If it offends those around you, hang out with other folks. Never commit yourself to someone who isn’t prepared to tolerate your worst side, and vice versa.

Keep laughing when you leave their company. Attempting to turn the tables and make them feel bad for rejecting you is merely adding to the lie. Rejection itself is funny.

It’s never about you; don’t try to make it so.

Your sense of humor reveals your convictions, sometimes against your conscience. Adjust your conscience; it is variable.

Righteous indignation is unrighteous in humans. It’s also hilarious.

Anger is the backside of humor. Get to know them both, because where you have one you will always have the other.

Chase through your soul anything that makes you uncomfortable. You will eventually track it down to its source. Only then can you burn its nest and be free from it.

Do the work; don’t cheat by taking drugs. It’s like breaking into someone else’s home because you can’t own it, and can’t possibly use it, until you have earned it.

If you can see it, or touch it, or name it in human language, it cannot be sacred. Holiness is a quality of reflecting eternal glory. Symbols of God, symbols of our devotion to Him, are not themselves God.

All of Creation is a mere tool-set for God’s glory.

Humility is no excuse for failing to serve where the Spirit leads. Your worthiness was never the issue; your calling is. The likelihood of success by human measure was never the issue; your obedience is.

If you can’t imagine God laughing at you, then you don’t understand God. If you laugh with Him, you’ll be far closer to Him than you can imagine.

Never take proverbs too seriously.

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