What to Expect

All I have is my limited analytical talents and my intuition, so take this with a grain of salt. This is a working model I’ll use until it crumbles.

The Cabal should not be identified with any particular institution. It works within many institutions and you have to learn to recognize its fingerprints based on broader factors than just a publicly announced agenda you might not like. Global government doesn’t require an organized and recognizable governing institution. The Cabal is known for accepting something less than direct control as sufficient to fulfill its agenda. To the degree it relishes direct control, things are not yet ripe for that. I suspect the definition of “ripe” would include a massive level of human extermination we cannot imagine, something currently not feasible.

For now, its enough to control resources. Again, it’s not direct or overt control, but in a more subtle sense of gaining leverage through willing or unwitting proxies. Immediately before us is a broad attempt to corral material wealth, to consolidate titular ownership in very few hands. I seriously doubt it will work out as The Cabal intends, but it will be generally uncomfortable for most of humanity in the foreseeable future. It’s going to feel like privation and slavery, regardless what names are used officially.

The Cabal has no single program of action that you could explain easily. I’m going to focus on what’s coming here in the U.S. I’ve already noted the seesaw political charade, bouncing back and forth between two broad agendas, both substantially controlled by The Cabal. In general, it doesn’t care which side wins because it wins either way. We are approaching a sort of break point. The two sides have been escalating their provocations of each other, maneuvering and implementing systemic hindrances to each other. At some point, someone will push the big red button and try to “stop the insanity” by asserting blatant and total dominance. My personal guess is the Neocons will do it, and stand a good chance to win, insofar as it’s possible to accomplish anything.

For now, the Progressives have the upper hand and I expect some really irresponsible moves from them in the next few months. For example, we have seen where conservative churches have been pushing back against speech restrictions under threat of losing tax exemption. I figure the IRS will apply that hammer very shortly. Consider the tepid response to previous IRS abuses against purely political organizations. You should expect conservative evangelicals to begin crying about religious persecution, etc. This and similar oppression should successfully provoke enough backlash to effectively tip the scales in favor of the Neocon agenda.

So shortly after that, we are highly likely to see military attacks in Syria, Iran, etc., leading to something we could call WW3. There are too many variables to push that line of supposition any farther. I’m just guessing, not predicting. Too many things could change even before the sun goes down today.

The point here is, in terms of tribulation, The Cabal has not painted a target on folks like me. Keep in mind that their primary mission is destroying the gospel message, despite having an imperfect understanding of it on a human level. The Cabal tends to think of Western Christianity as a prime target, even as it attempts to enslave Western Christians to their dirty work. All along the way, since the First Century, The Cabal has worked to subvert and control however much of Christianity as was organized into visible churches. Its agents were involved in trapping church leaders under Constantine’s government. Later, its agents were involved in the breakup of the Roman Church, working from within to provoke irreconcilable conflicts that could only result in organizational fracture. The Cabal took advantage of historical intellectual currents to which it contributed in the first place.

So if you share some measure of my beliefs and religious outlook, you can expect little direct attack. Instead, we will face systemic friction. In doing what is necessary for our mission, we will inevitably get in trouble, along with a lot of other folks who have no such mission. Whether good or bad, we’ll have a lot of company. For myself, a critical element of my mission means avoiding much association with institutional Christian religion. This is simple honesty, on one level. I feel for them, but they are already a serious threat to my mission without noting that I don’t need to paint their target on my back. I can only help mainstream Christians by pulling them out of such organized structures. So, to stay on task, I need to consider ways to avoid being associated with them.

Meanwhile, a critical element of my mission as expressed on this blog is helping folks who share some of my beliefs. I’m hoping I can help to eliminate false expectations good or bad, and to offer what I consider a more realistic assessment. Mostly I want to direct your attention to the core issues of pursuing the moral imperatives that justify God leaving us here while things go crazy around us. There is nothing to gain by organizing in the typical sense, as that would only paint a target on us. Let’s keep it virtual. Yes, the Internet will change a good bit and access might get dicey. Think about it in terms of packing lightly; don’t invest too much in any particular technology solution. The whole idea is to have sufficient access to each other online that we can share our sorrows and solutions, all in pursuit of that eternal mission.

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