Same Ol’ Brain Spew

I’m writing another story. You know, religious propaganda disguised as fiction.

It’s a continuation of this old thing, and will be more or less the same universe as The Chronicles of Misty and the REZ story in Mystical Tales of Romance. It starts off much earlier in the timeline of both. For the time being, the working title is The Brotherhood.

However, I’m trying to avoid using all the same terminology I use here. Some of it is unavoidable, but instead of ranting about Aristotle, for example, I’ll simply describe in more generic language the idea of putting him in his place. For those who haven’t been paying attention, I don’t trash him, but I relegate him to the margins for intellectual wimps. To my way of thinking, he tossed aside the ancient mysticism of his world because his feeble intellect was unable to handle the heavy lifting necessary to deal with it. So ignoring all the centuries of previous scholarship by far wiser men, he pretended it didn’t exist so he could get his own name in the history books. Aristotle was an intellectual punk.

Not that I’m that much smarter, but I get to call him bad names because I stumbled across some rich wisdom and guidance here and there until I found out what it all meant. Standing on the shoulders of truly impressive giants, I am able to look down on Aristotle and all his peons who ape his goofy decisions.

Okay, so I’m not really all that rude about it. Still, for those intrigued by some of my crazy notions, you might find this future story interesting. I must confess this is the first time the story isn’t writing itself all at once. In the past, most of my books drove me like a Clydesdale until I had plowed a furrow from Sacramento to Savannah. Even the Bible studies, already written in substance, required an awful lot of editing and I felt the same drive to push until all of them were done (from what I had). This story is more like an easy vacation drive, in no particular hurry. It did keep me up late last night, but that turns out to be the exception, not the rule.

So this time I’m not serializing the draft here. You’ll just have to wait until the story tells me it’s done. For your amusement, I’ll tell you this is the first time I’m composing the whole thing in MS Word 97, which runs under WINE on my Debian machine. Later I’ll bump it up to a later version of Word format because Smashwords chokes on anything older than Word XP (2002). That requires using completely different software and breaking out the WinXP VM and it’s just a lot more work and time consuming. With WINE, it all runs natively and I can pop it open when the mood strikes.

Thanks for dropping by today.

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