Saturday Report — 22 March 2014

The second book in The Brotherhood series is taking a little longer to get rolling. The story is more difficult, as I’m trying to spread it among a trio of primary characters and creating some bad guys with more substance. As you might expect, I’m promoting my favorite wild ideas about epistemology and Law. At any rate, this one will take a little longer to write, and I’ve only gotten a couple of chapters since publishing the first.

A recurring theme in all of my writing is the vast gulf of understanding between us and the rest of the world. Sometimes it’s just the usual partisan idiocy. A particular democrat activist I know is actually proclaiming that the administration is really getting to Putin, seriously causing trouble for the Russians. All I can do is note how some people will deceive themselves in all sorts of ways to cling to some precious lie. Most of those precious lies are connected, even when it appears they conflict. They all assume the same basic deceptions about humanity and human nature. I don’t expect my books to solve that problem. I expect my books to help a few people who are searching for the truth, not a new distraction.

On the other end of the false spectrum of political opinion, I see lots of people saying crazy things about the plutocrats’ plans for us. Does anyone recall back in the 1980s when a right-wing activist was making all this noise about having seen multicolored currency at the US Mint? It was a big hullabaloo about how the US government was planning to devalue the dollar and replace it with a new currency at about 10 to 1. The facts? The US Mint prints the currency for a lot of other countries. What that man saw was a pallet of foreign currency and blew it all out of proportion and mixed it with a bunch of standard conspiracy crap. A large number of standard theories are kept alive, but somehow they never seem to come true.

Folks, we are headed for a rough patch here. I can’t tell you definitively that the US will be destroyed this time around, only that God eventually will do that. His plans on that level are seldom revealed to us in advance. Just my own prophetic warnings alone are sufficient to satisfy His promises to call His people back to holiness; there are others offering warnings that get far better publicity. Sooner or later every human government is destroyed and replaced. How much change does it take before we call it something new, regardless of whether the label has changed? My point is that the US has been particularly egregious in flouting God’s Laws, so we should expect to have a rougher time than most other nations.

Will the dollar collapse? Eventually. Will there be chaos, starvation and blood in the streets? In some places, most likely large cities. But you knew that already. Any concentration of population and wealth can survive only with a heavy life-support system. The farther a city has to reach to find the necessities of life, the more fragile that life becomes. That’s not news. What’s news is that God will add in all His fine handiwork along with the typical human entropy: earthquakes, radical shifts in weather, diseases, etc. Americans have earned it. All the great and good things we do make not a bit of difference if we carry on in open rejection of fundamental Laws of Creation. Despite the imagery of God weighing out the good and bad, that only applies if you build on a just foundation. Western Civilization is inherently unjust, so we lose on that one.

Again, the plutocrats are not one big united team. Some want to slaughter us, some want to enslave us, some want other things entirely. There are partisan agendas and different religions among them. Their grip on human politics is tenuous despite their mighty efforts to coordinate. The whole thing has already begun to rupture. That’s why things are going to be rough; there’s a new generation of plutocrats and they aren’t all buying into the heavy legacy of their past. Even when they do, a generational shift in thinking is unavoidable. They are still humans with very real limits. Their greatest power is in secrecy and that’s been ripped to shreds by the Internet and crowd-sourced intelligence. Look at all the struggle they’ve had keeping the truth buried under vast loads of propaganda. That’s expensive.

There is no single answer, no one means of countering their efforts. We all have our own divine calling. In the future here on this blog you’ll read more of the same stuff. I’ll be working on a project to make the path from Windows to Linux a lot shorter. This calls for testing the latest Kubuntu offering. I happen to think that when Ubuntu dropped full official support for the Kubuntu/KDE branch, it set the K folks free to avoid the more onerous new tricks Canonical started pushing on their users. I’ll be playing with the beta release for 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) and preparing to write a guide that will allow bewildered Windows refugees a sane approach to migration. Part of the reason is that Debian itself doesn’t have an auto-update feature; Kubuntu will handle more stuff with less fuss. Windows folks can keep most of their habits and not come to harm.

And I’ll keep writing about the different worldview in my fiction, self-help and Bible studies.

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