Marx, Strauss and Mass Manipulation

What do you say to a man born and raised on the East Coast who is a rabid fan of some West Coast football team?

There are a lot more of such people than you might expect. Throughout history it has been easy to find “traitors” in very large numbers who were cheerleaders for the enemies of their neighbors. Not just paid activists, but true believers that the other side really does have the right answer and a divine appointment to rule.

Perhaps you are familiar with Leo Strauss and his neocon theories. In his work as a professor of political theory, he made it very clear that it didn’t matter what his religion was. What mattered is that the population as a whole be taught to believe in religion because that was how you manipulate them into doing what’s best for mankind. His theories do present a very strong viewpoint of what is best for humanity, and it starts with a massive deep layer of deception. Instead of simply assuming people are stupid, it was important to make them stupid. His disciples are now sprinkled among the top offices of US government.

It was totally elitist and no bones about it. Such an approach is hardly new. While it’s possible to trace the threads of his ideas back through history, what matters is that he was preceded in this by the founder of the erstwhile opposing political theory: Karl Marx.

If you examine the full range of things Marx wrote and records of his conversations with people, you discover he hardly believed in communism himself. Rather, it was a theory he promoted as an elitist steering mechanism to weaken the unity of the population. He wanted the European governments destabilized, not because it would lead to some communist Utopia, but because it meant some group he favored would gain more power than they had. Marx was a brilliant political manipulator serving a group who despised humanity at large. (And he stole his communist theories from someone else.)

Here’s the thing: Both Marx and Strauss were serving the interests of the same bunch of plutocrats. It won’t help much to name them because the plutocrats themselves have worked hard to confuse the labeling. That’s why I use the generic term “Cabal.” Both the current conservative and progressive political activists in the US today are serving the same end by creating an atmosphere of instability and rivalry over things that only appear to matter.

It’s all the same bunch of people at the top steering this stuff to keep us riled up. Most of what really matters never appears in the campaign sloganeering. Everyone hypes the cheer-leading and rivalry because it’s profitable for the party leaders who then gather at some posh private dinner and script the next drama for public consumption.

We who serve Christ have no intention of ruling anyone on this earth. We willingly tell the whole truth to anyone who will listen. There is no secret agenda; those who espouse one are not a part of us. We aren’t trying to herd people into a fake psychological conversion, as if that somehow changes eternal reality. We display the joys of Heaven to see who will be attracted in hopes we can convince them take a taste for themselves.

We don’t have a team in the game.

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