Bits & Pieces 15

I really don’t like gatekeepers when it comes to information. I recognize the necessity of paying to get online and that the Internet would not exist without all that expensive hardware. However, the virtual world is itself an entirely different thing. So long as the same protocols are used, it won’t matter if you replace all the hardware and use a different technology for networking. Once you breathe life into it, the Net takes on a separate life of its own. The barriers to wide open access are all entirely artificial; sooner or later someone will breach them all.

Whether Greenwald choose it consciously or not, his game with allowing little bits of the documents to dribble out serves the purpose of keeping everyone fearful and leaves the NSA completely in control. Snowden made a huge, massive mistake. Allowing someone to become gatekeeper of all that stuff merely keeps the spooks safe in their position of power.

Truth is a Person. Truth is not the sum or summation of all facts, known or undiscovered. Get it all and you still won’t have truth. Nor can you abstract all knowledge — past, present and future — and arrive at truth. Truth is still a living being rooted outside of our universe, yet reaching out to touch each of us. Truth will of necessity become known to mankind only through people who express the Person of God.

I don’t consider people themselves inherently evil so much as just fools serving evil purposes. I don’t hate policemen, but I’d never trust them. Individual officers could work to gain my trust, same as anyone else. However, that badge tends to represent a purpose at odds with moral justice. It’s the same with any other government function. We know that what God said is utterly foreign to our world, so we don’t really expect much. We know what God requires of us, and the better we understand His call, the easier it is to let stuff slide that really doesn’t matter. So we tend to go along with government abuses so long as they don’t seriously hinder some imperative from God.

Activists are silly if they keep using computer OSes that are wide open to manipulation. Rudkowski isn’t the only guy to be hit with planted evidence of crimes. A primary MO of various government agencies is to get one of their spooks to plant something like child porn on a system used by some troublemaker. However, it’s been proven that this only happens on Windows computers, and perhaps once on a Mac. To my knowledge, they haven’t been able to do it with a properly configured Linux system. Linux is not holy and righteous; it’s just a much harder target.

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